The Big Ten

Extraverted:  People-oriented, talkative.  Prefers the company of people, comfortable with many, uncomfortable with isolation.  Socially daring, not easily embarrassed or shamed. Introverted:  Shy, quiet.  Prefers solitude or the company of no more than a few people.  Easily embarrassed or shamed.
Stable:  Cool, emotionally stable.  Not quick to anger or fear.  Less likely to feel sadness or anxiety.  May even seek intense experiences.
Neurotic:  Nervous, emotional, moody.  Easily scared, made angy, or brought to tears.  More likely to develop emotional problems such as anxiety disorders, depression, and anger-control issues.
Conscientious:  Orderly, organized.  Uncomfortable with disorder.  On-time, responsible.  Sometimes obsessive and self-critical (esp. with high neuroticism). Impulsive:  Short attention span,  unconcerned with order, spontaneous.  Tends to lateness, often seen as irresponsible.  Often carefree and fun-loving (esp. with high extraversion).
Agreeable:  Friendly, warm.  Pleasant to others, avoids argument, enjoys social calm.  May be somewhat conformist or at least compromising. Disagreeable:  Hard to get along with.  Strong opinions, quite independent, enjoys argument.  Not concerned with keeping to social pleasantries.
Curious:  Open to new experiences.  Enjoys cultural variety, the arts, philosophy, and so on.  Enjoys meeting people significantly different from themselves.
Conventional:  Prefers familiarity.  Likes things to stay the same.  Uncomfortable with people that are different.  Not interested in philosophy or high culture.
Active:  Enjoys activity, movement.  Can’t sit still for long.  Always looking for something to do.  Often enjoys engaging in sports, for example, or making things with their hands. Lethargic:  Inactive, slow.  Prefers sedate activities.  Prefers a walk or even sitting to vigorous activity.  Often perceived as being lazy.
Intelligent:  Able to absorb new information easily.  Understands even complex issues easily.  Solves problems easily. Unintelligent:  Finds learning difficult.  Must work hard to understand new things.  Gives up solving problems.
Grounded:  Able to differentiate imagination from reality.  In touch with reality.  Free of hallucinations and delusions.
Psychotic:  Has difficulty distinguishing imagination from reality.  Prone to hallucinations and delusions.
Engaged:  Has an intuitive grasp of social interaction.  Able to detect subtle social cues.  Good at communicating feelings.
Autistic:  Does not appear to possess social instincts or learn subtle social cues.  Has difficulty with language and other forms of communication.  Highly literal.
Empathic:  Understands and even shares in the feelings of others.  Capable of identifying with others.  Compassionate.
Psychopathic:  Does not identify with the feelings of others.  Feels little guilt or shame.  May even enjoy causing others pain or humilitation.

© Copyright 2006, 2009, C. George Boeree