General Psychology
PSY 101
Dr. George Boeree
Outline: Part Four
- Freud
- structure
- conscious
- preconscious
- unconscious
- id
- ego
- superego
- psychosexual development
- oral
- anal
- phallic
- latent
- genital
- character types
- fixation
- oral
- anal
- phallic
- genital (healthy)
- defenses
- denial
- repression
- reaction formation
- projection
- displacement
- identification
- regression
- rationalization
- sublimation
- Trait and temperament theories
- Myers-Briggs (Carl Jung)
- introversion-extraversion
- sensing-intuiting
- thinking-feeling
- judging-perceiving
- Hans Eysenck
- introversion-extraversion
- neuroticism
- psychoticism
- The Big Five
- introversion-extraversion
- emotional stability
- agreeableness
- conscientiousness
- openness
- Alfred Adler
- striving for perfection
- social interest
- inferiority
- inferiority complex
- superiority complex
- compensation
- Carl Rogers
- actualization
- organismic valuing
- need for positive regard
- need for positive self-regard
- conditions of worth
- conditional positive regard
- conditional positive self-regard
- incongruence
- fully functioning person
- open to experience
- living in the here and now
- organismic trusting
- freedom
- creativity
Psychological Disorders
- biosocial theory
- predisposing physiological conditions
- culture, upbringing, etc.
- triggering stressors
- anxiety disorders
- generalized anxiety disorder
- social phobia
- panic attacks and panic disorder
- agoraphobia
- specific phobias
- post-traumatic stress disorder
- obsessive-compulsive disorder
- related disorders
- hypochondriasis
- trichotillomania
- pathological gambling
- mood disorders
- major depression
- bipolar disorder
- somatoform disorders
- somatization
- conversion disorder
- pain disorder
- dissociative disorders
- dissociation
- depersonalization
- derealization
- dissociative amnesia
- dissociative identity disorder
- dissociative trance disorder
- trance
- intermittent explosive disorder
- schizophrenia
- delusions
- hallucinations (esp. auditory)
- disorganized speech and thought
- disorganized behavior
- catatonic behaviors
- affect flattening
- cultural variation
- personality disorders
- paranoid p.d.
- schizoid p.d.
- schizotypal p.d.
- antisocial p.d. ("psychopath," "sociopath")
- borderline p.d.
- histrionic and narcissistic p.d.
- avoidant and dependent p.d.
- obsessive-compulsive p.d.
- Drug and other medical therapies
- psychopharmacology
- antipsychotic drugs
- antianxiety drugs
- antidepressant drugs
- selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) -- prozac
- lithium
- psychosurgery (eg. lobotomy)
- ECT (electro-convulsive or "shock" therapy)
- Psychotherapy
- psychoanalysis (Freud)
- free association
- resistance
- interpretation
- transference
- catharsis
- insight
- humanistic (Rogers)
- client-centered
- the therapists' qualities
- empathy
- genuineness
- acceptance
- reflection (active listening)
- cognitive approaches
- rational therapy (Albert Ellis)
- irrational beliefs
- argument as therapy
- systematic desensitization (Joseph Wolpe)
- progressive relaxation
- fear hierarchy