History of Psychology Study Guide for Test Four
- moral therapy
- Mesmer
- Charcot
- the unconscious
- Freud
- conscious, preconscious, unconscious
- id, ego, superego
- instincts = drives = wishes
- pleasure principle
- reality principle
- primary process
- secondary process
- conscience, ego idea
- stages
- erogenous zones
- oral, anal, phallic, latent, genital
- Oedipal crisis
- castration anxiety, penis envy
- therapy
- transference, catharsis, insight
- Jung
- ego, personal unconscious, collective unconscious
- archetypes
- the self
- Myers Briggs
- introversion - extraversion
- Adler
- organ inferiorities and compensation
- aggression instinct > striving for superiority > striving
- social interest
- life style
- teleology, fictional finalism
- Sechenov
- excitatory and inhibitory processes in the brain
- Bekhterev
- Pavlov
- classical conditioning
- experimental neurosis
- Thorndike
- law of exercise
- law of effect
- transfer of training
- Watson
- Little Albert
- radical environmentalism
- Hull
- Tolman
- molar, purposive, cognitive behaviorism
- cognitive map
- latent learning
- expectations
- Skinner
- operant conditioning
- reinforcer, operant
- extinction
- schedules of reinforcement
- shaping
- aversive stimuli, punishment, negative reinforcement
- behavior modification
- token economy
- Walden II (behavioral technology, culture design)
- mentalistic constructs, homunculus
Phenomenology and Existentialism
- Brentano
- Husserl
- phenomena
- intuiting, analyzing, describing
- bracketing
- essences
- free imaginative variations
- the lived world (Lebenswelt)
- Heidegger
- inauthenticity
- Dasein
- freedom, project, anxiety
- being-towards-death
- fallennness, das Man
- idle talk and curiosity
- authenticity
Gestalt Psychology
- Wetheimer
- Köhler
- Koffka
- Gestalt laws
- law of pragnanz
- law of closure
- law of similarity
- law of proximity
- law of symmetry
- law of continuity
- figure-ground
- memory
- learning
- relations
- insight learning
- productive learning
- isomorphism
- Lewin
- topological maps of life space
- Goldstein
- Rogers
Modern Medicine and Physiology
- Technology and the brain
- x-ray
- CT scan
- electroencephalogra
- PET scan
- NMR and the MRI
- Roger Sperry
- Watson and Crick
- human genome project
The History of the Lobotomy
- leukotomy of the prefrontal cortex
- Moniz
- Freeman
Cognitive Psychology
- Weiner
- Turing
- von Bertalanffy
- Chomsky
- generative grammar
- surface structure vs. deep structure
- laws of transformation
- Piaget
- genetic epistemology
- schemas
- assimilation + accommodation = adaptation
- equilibrium
- Ebbinghaus
- nonsense syllables
- meaningfulness
- Hebb
- the Hebb synapse (consolidation theory)
- the Hebb cell assembly (neural nets)
- phase sequence
- connectionism
- George P. Miller
- the magic number 7 plus or minus 2
- chunks
- the computer analogy
- Neisser
- Logical positivism
- the verification principle
- Postmodernism
- priviledged perspectives
- paradigm shift
- feminism
- multiculturalism