Check back regularly for an updated list of job and internship opportunities.
Wondering about the kinds of jobs you can expect with a Technical/Professional Communications Minor? Listed below are useful links to help you think about your career.
Job and Internship Opportunities
Washington Center is offering student internships for all Majors and
Minors including Technical Writing. Here you will be able to learn
valuable work expaeriece that could help to advance you in your future
careers. For more information visit
WebpageFX is looking for a Jr.
web designer to maintaine existing costomer websites as well as
building new ones. Visit for more information and to
Shippensburg Area Chamber of Commerce are looking for inters to work 120 hours in one semester Projets and tasks will include event managment, marketing, promotions, and sales. Please Submit resumes to Bruce Hockersmith at 53 West King Street Shippensburg Pa. or email at
Career Advice and Job Listings
Listed below are useful links to help
direct you to the careers you can expect with the T/PC Minor.