Resurgence of Northern Dynasties

Multi-State China

*Liao (Kitan/Khitan) Dynasty, 907-1125

*Xi Xia {Tangut} Dynasty, 1038-1227

Borderland Dynasties: Liao & Xi Xia

Traditional View

Barbaric invaders and oppressors

Multi-ethnic states

Kitan/Khitan Liao & Tangut Xi Xia

Pastoral nomadism

Chinese practicing agriculture

Source of wealth

Song population 20 times larger


Only a few imperial Chinese dynasties lasted longer

Liao {Kitan}, 907- 1125

Xi Xia {Tangut}, 1038-1227

Han, Tang, and Song

Longer-lasting than Xianbei (Särbi) and Mongolian Dynasties

Northern Wei {Tabgach}, 386-534

1st Türk Empire (552-630)

2nd Türk Empire (682-742)

Uighur Empire (744-840)

Kitan Origins

Pastoral nomadic people
W. Manchuria homeland (Liao River)
Mongolic language

Tang Borderland Origins

Repetition of late Han-Northern Dynasties pattern

Tang or Turk Uighur vassals, 7th-8th centuries

Kitan contingent in An Lushan’s forces, 755

*Liao Dynasty (907-916-938-1125)


Electedd tribal leader, 907

Bypassed tribal councils 910, 913

Emperor Taizu (r. 916-926)

Great Kitan Dynasty founded

Empress Chunqin

Wife of Abaoji

Held power, 926-47

Mom of Taizong r. 926-47

Took possession of “16 Prefectures,” from Later Jin Dynasty, 938

Liao Dynasty Founded

Kitan Success

Personal talent of Abaoji and Empress Chunqin
Exploit power vacuum

China disunited since late Tang 880s
Mongolia in disarray since fall of Uighur Turks in 840s

Liao Government

Multiple capitals

Dual administration

Great Kitan in north

Great Liao in south

Multiple capitals

N. Song-Liao Relations

N. Song-Liao wars 979-1004

Liao treaty with Northern Song, 1005

Liao forces withdraw

Defined border along southern “16 Prefectures”

Annual Song gifts

200,000 bolts of silk

100,000 ounces (4,000 kilos) of silver

Emperors address each other as brothers

Lin Hu, “A Tale of Five Capitals

1. What is the purpose of a capital city in the traditional China and modern senses?

What were the Kitan capital cities like? \

2. Why do some scholars, such as Kang Peng on page 101, deny that the five cities should be considered capitals?

Why does the author Lin Hu argue that these should be considered capital cities and why were there so many of them?

Which point of view do you agree with?

*Xi Xia Dynasty ca. 982-1038-1227

Tangut Origins

Pastoral nomads
SE Qinghai-SW Gansu
Tibeto-Burmese language
Tuoba leading clan
Migrated to Ordos Region under Tang

Modern Ningxia

Li surname

Tangut Founders

Li Jiqian (r. 982-1004)

Unified Tangut and non-Tangut tribes

Li Deming (r. 1004-32)

Expanded territory to the NW

*Li Yuanhao (r. 1032-48)

Educated in Tibetan and Chinese

Founded Xi Xia Dynasty

Li Yuanhao's Reforms, 1032-8

Centralized army and government

Cultural unification of realm

Enforced national hairstyle

Script for Tangut language

Translations from Chinese and Tibetan

Established Chinese style dynasty

Emperor of “Great Xia”

“Great State of White and High”

Changed name to Weiming Yuanhao

Blood oath with military aristocrats

Buddhism as state religion

Buddhist State Preceptor

Translation projects

"State Preceptor Bai Zhiguan presiding sutra translation with the emperor Huizong and Dowager Empress Liang in attendance," ca. 1085

Tangut-Song war, 1039-44

Peace treaty of 1044

Multistate Relations

Liao treaty with Song, 1005

Annual Song gifts

200,000 bolts of silk

100,000 ounces (4,000 kilos) of silver

Emperors address each other as brothers

Xi Xia treaty with Song, 1044

Li Yuanhao is Song “official”

Annual Song gifts

72,000 ounces (2,880 kilos) of silver

153,000 bolts of silk

Shipments of tea