*Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)

Late Imperial China

*Yuan Dynasty: 1260-1368

*Ming Dynasty: 1368-1644

Qing Dynasty: 1644-1911

Fall of the Yuan (1260-1368)

Demographic collapse in N. & S. China

110 Million people, ca. 1200

60-85 Million people, ca. 1300

Environmental instability

Little Ice Age?

36 exceptionally cold winters in 14th c.

Changes in course of Yellow River: View map

Late Jin, 1194

Early Yuan, 1289

Late Yuan, 1324

Serious epidemics, 1340s-1350s

How do Hansen (p. 340) and Brook (64-68) differ on whether it was the bubonic plague?

Factional infighting at the court

Rebellions in provinces

*Zhu Yuanzhang (1328-1398)

Born Fengyang, Anhui Province

A bad summer of 1344

Drought, locusts, and epidemic

Ordained as Buddhist Monk

Wandered for 3 years

Studied in monastery, 1348-52

Monastery burned, 1352

Fighting between Yuan and Red Turbans

Not covered in 2018:

Zhu Yuanzhang at 24


Red Turban Rebel, 1352-68

*Red Turbans

Popular Religion with elements of White Lotus Buddhism and Manichaeism

Prince of Radiance (Manichaen leader of Light)

Maitreya (Buddha of the Future)


Landless wanderers

Leader of Red Turban band, 1354 at age 26

Regional Powers Map

24 loyal officers

Expanded following by recruiting other leaders


Triumph of Zhu Yuanzhang, 1355-68

Keys to success

Established base at Nanjing, 1355

Military and Economic advantages

Nanjing and Environs Map

Military leadership
Stabilized farming populace
Downgrading of Red Turban ideas

Emperor Taizu (r. 1368-98)

South to north unification

Anomalous in Chinese history

Northern Campaign, Nov. 1367

Ming Dynasty founding, Jan. 1368

Capture of Beijing, Sept. 1368

Zhu Yuanzhang's personality

Compassion toward farmers

Favored agriculture over commerce

Autocratic, paranoid and cruel toward government officials

Great purges

Governmental reforms

Eliminated office of Prime Minister, 1380


Reestablished examination system, 1384

Cheating on the exams