Western European Maritime Expansion

Age of Exploration


*Henry the Navigator, 1420-60

*Columbus, 1492-3

*Vasco da Gama, 1498-9

Means: new technology

Compass (Chinese)

*Astrolabe (Greek/Muslim)

*Caravel (East African/Muslim)

Rudder (Chinese)

Cannon (Chinese)

Motives: ?

W. European Impact

Africa and Asia

Trading-post Empires

Spanish Conquests in the Americas

*Conquistadors ("conquerors")

*Aztecs (Mexico), 1519

Hernan Cortes (1485-1547)

New Spain

Incas (S. America), 1532-

Francisco Pizarro (ca. 1478-1541)

Reasons for conquests: ?

Study Questions-Lecture

1. What were the motives of Spain and Portugal to send explorers to Africa, Asia and the Americas?

2. What means (technologies) made this possible?

3. Why were Western Europeans able to conquer the Aztecs, but only established trading posts in most of Africa and Asia?

Study Questions: Reading

Reading: Hansen, 418-46

1. How were the Aztec and Inca empires created and governed? What were their weaknesses?

2. What are the major reasons why small numbers of Spanish conquistadors were able to conquer the two empires?

Pomeranz 16-18, 49-51

"When Asia was the World Economy"

1. What was the impact of the Portuguese on Indian Ocean trade in the 16th century?

2. Why was there no conquest of Asia or Africa?

"Better to be Lucky than Smart"

1. Why was Columbus luckier than he was smart?

Andrea, pp. 113-5, 127-33

General History of The Things of New Spain

1. What were the Spanish motives to conquer the Aztecs?

2. According to the passage, why did the Spanish win the war against the Aztecs?

3. Is the author, Bernardino de Sahagun, a reliable informant about these events?