China Confronts the West

Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)

Video: Pacific Century: Two Coasts of China

What system of trade did the Chinese empire establish to deal with Westerners?

Why did the British and Americans want to sell opium to the Chinese?

How did the opium trade affect China?

*Canton (restricted) trade

Hong merchants (est. in 1720)

Howqua (Wu Bingjian), 1769-1843

Factories ("Barbarian Houses")

Legal British tea imports

20,000 pounds, 1700

5,000,000 pounds, 1760

23,000,000 pounds, 1800

50% of British China trade

£20 million British trade deficit, 1710-1760

British Tea Drinking in 1786 and 1825

Tea production


Transporting Tea in Wicker Casks to Canton, ca. 1800

Tea pickers

Weighing tea for export

British opium sales in China (chests/year)

1800-1820: 4,500 chests/year av.

1820-30: 10,000 chests/year av.

1838-39 40,000 chests/year av.

Opium production

Opium poppy

Bengal cultivation

East India Co. Opium Warehouse

Calcutta to Canton

“Decline of the Opium Smoker,” 1st Step, ca. 1860

Opium Den

*Opium War, 1839-41

*"Commissioner Lin" or Lin Zexu, 1785-1850

Confiscation and destruction of opium

David vs. Goliath?

Population in 1800

Britain, 10.5 million

China, 300 million

Area (today)

Britain, 244,820 sq. km. (ranked 86th)

China, 9,596,960 sq. km. (ranked 4th)

*“Gunboat diplomacy”

Capture of Zhoushan, 1841


*"Unequal Treaty" (1842)

$21 million silver dollars indemnity

Abolition of the Hong trading system

5 treaty ports

Cession of Hong Kong

Extraterritoriality for British subjects

Most-favored-nation clause

Crisis, Reform, and More Crisis, 1861-1911

Zongli Yamen, 1861

Jiangnan Arsenal, Shanghai, 1865

Fuzhou Arsenal, 1866

*Sino-Japanese War, 1894-95

*“Scramble for Concessions,” 1897-8

Study questions lecture

1. Explain the connections among Chinese tea production, British tea drinking, East India Company opium production in India, and Chinese opium smoking.

2. What were the causes of the British attack on China during the Opium War? Why did the British win the war in 1842?

3. What reforms did China try to implement to catch up with the West in the late 19th century?  Why did the reforms fail to meet expectations?

Study questions-Reading

Hansen 568-79, 690-701

1. How did the Chinese empire expand under the Qing dynasty up to the year 1800?

2. Britain could not force China to open to more ports to trade in 1792, but succeeded after winning the Opium War in 1842. What caused the balance of power to shift?

Andrea, The Human Record, "Letter to Queen Victoria," pp. 337-42

1. What arguments does Lin Zexu use to try to persuade Queen Victoria of England to end the opium trade?

2. Why do you think that the letter never was delivered to Victoria?

Pomeranz, pp. 77-80, 90-93

“Brewing up a Storm”

1. Explain the connection between Chinese tea production and British tea drinking.

2. According to Pomeranz, how was British tea drinking connected to New World sugar plantations and the work requirements of the industrial revolution?

"How Opium Made The World Go 'Round'"

1. Explain the connections between the Chinese and British trade in tea and opium.

2. Why did the British economy rely on the opium trade throughout the nineteenth century?