Japanese Militarism

Imperialism, 1890-1910

Nationalistic pride

Economic growth

Raw materials

Markets for manufactured goods

Strategic considerations

Korean “dagger”

Colonial Possessions


Defeat of China, 1895

Liaodong, China

Defeat of Russia, 1905

Korea, 1910

The Depression, 1930s

Economic crisis

Exports fell 50%, 1929-1931

Silk price fell 50%

Social Effects

Urban unrest

Rural poverty

Military domination of government


Lack of faith in political parties

Desire for more markets and raw materials

Weakness of constitution

Lack of civilian control over military

Prime Minister

*Emperor Hirohito

Atmosphere of intimidation

Right wing societies

600,000 members in 1936

Right wing terrorism

Assassination of Prime Minister Inukai, 1932

"Kill the rich and annihilate the political parties"

Coup attempt, 1936

Arrests of government critics


Cabinet dominated by Generals, 1932-45

No dictator or strong leader

Aggression in China

Chinese civil war, 1927-48

Nationalist Government

Guomindang National People’s Party

Chiang Kai-shek


Mao Zedong

Japanese Expansion in China

Liaodong Peninsula

Kwantung Army

Right wing leadership

Invasion of Manchuria, 1931

*"Manchurian Incident"

*Manchukuo, 1932

Invasion of East China, 1937-9

Marco Polo bridge

Study Questions Lecture

1. How did the Depression affect Japan? Why did the Depression encourage increasing militarism?

2. Compare and contrast Japan and Germany's politics in the 1930s.

Study Questions Reading

Hansen 826-8, 834-40

1. How did Japanese aggression in East Asia and German aggression Europe lead to the outbreak of World War II?

Kim 1-115

1. Based on the novel, how did the Japanese government attempt to control its Korean colony in the 1930s?

2. How did the Koreans react to Japanese colonialism? How did Koreans collaborate with or resist the Japanese?

3. Richard Kim was from about 1 to 7 years old when he had the experiences that inspired these chapters in the novel. Is this part of the novel a reliable source to learn about Korean life under Japanese occupation?