Final Exam

Bring "Blue Book" to exam!

Write in pen!

Time: Tuesday, 05-03, 03:30

Location: FSC 030

Study guides (March 24-April 28):

Part I (15 points, 15 minutes)

Matching based on key terms marked with asterisks*

Dates to decade

Part II (15 points, 15 minutes)

Short essay based directly on Human Record and World that Trade Created study questions

Part III (15 points, 15 minutes)

Short essay based directly on study questions for Lost Names

Part IV (15 points, 15 minutes)

Short essay based directly on study questions for Riverbend

Part V (20 points, 30 minutes)

Long comparative essay based on lecture study questions

Cumulative portion of exam:

Part VI (20 points, 30 minutes)

Long comparative essay based on lecture study questions

Think comparatively about major themes of semester