Coached Exercise for Leibniz' Rule, step 1KCT logo

© 1999 by Karl Hahn

The hint was that

   f(x)  =     
is the product of two functions, g(x) and h(x). You were to identify what they were.
   g(x)  =          h(x)  =  e-x
If you had them vice versa, that's also correct.

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Coached Exercise for Leibniz' Rule, step 2KCT logo

© 1999 by Karl Hahn

Here you needed to take the first four derivatives of g(x) and h(x).

   g'(x)  =  -              h'(x)  =  -e-x

   g"(x)  =  2              h"(x)  =  e-x

   g(3)(x)  =  -6           h(3)(x)  =  -e-x

   g(4)(x)  =  24           h(4)(x)  =  e-x

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Coached Exercise for Leibniz' Rule, step 3KCT logo

© 1999 by Karl Hahn

There is nothing left to do now but to apply Leibniz' Rule. You should have gotten from row 1 of the table:

   f'(x)  =  g(x)h'(x)  +  g'(x)h(x)

               1          1
          =  -   e-x  -     e-x
               x         x2
From row 2 of the table:
  f"(x)  =  g(x)h"(x)  +  2g'(x)h'(x)  +  g"(x)h'(x)

            1          2          2
         =    e-x  +     e-x  +     e-x
            x         x2         x3
From row 3 of the table:
   f(3)(x)  =  g(x)h(3)(x)  +  3g'(x)h"(x)  +  3g"(x)h'(x)  +  g(3)(x)h(x)

                 1          3          6          6
            =  -   e-x  -     e-x  -     e-x  -     e-x
                 x         x2         x3         x4
From row 4 of the table:
   f(4)(x)  =  g(x)h(4)(x)  +  4g'(x)h(3)(x)  +  6g"(x)h"(x)  +  4g(3)(x)h'(x)  +  g(4)(x)h(x)

               1          4         12         24         24
            =    e-x  +     e-x  +     e-x  +     e-x  +     e-x
               x         x2         x3         x4         x5
Notice that if you consider the the function itself as its zeroth derivative, then, for example, the derivative numbers for each product in the fourth derivative add up to 4. The derivative number for each product in the third derivative add up to 3. This will be the pattern for any numbered derivative.

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