What is this "Java"?

How does it work?

Nuts and Bolts -- The Java Language

An aside on JavaScript

JavaScript is not Java.

JavaScript is a language that looks like Java that Netscape created for better communication with its browser. JavaScript appears in an html file and is interpreted by the browser. It has some built-in objects, but no more can be created by the programmer. It has loose typing and dynamic binding. It doesn't do a lot that Java does, for instance, draw a circle.

More on support packages for Java

Sun has included a few support packages for the Java language. One, java.lang, is automatically accessible to any program you write. It includes the important classes of String and Math, and a number of others. With the String class, you can treat strings as units, creating them, accessing individual characters, concatinating them, copying them, finding characters and substrings in them, etc. The Math class consists of "public static" methods, i.e., useful functions such as trig, exponential, log, inverse trig, sqrt, ceil, floor, random, abs, max, and min. The Thread class is included in java.lang.

Two more pacckages, java.io and java.util, make up the core packages. In order to use Java with the web, the most important packages are java.awt and java.applet. The java.applet package really isn't very big, since it relies so much on the java.awt package.


Java Indices

David E. Joyce
Email: djoyce@clarku.edu