To find the greatest common measure of three given numbers not relatively prime. | ||
Let A, B, and C be the three given numbers not relatively prime.
It is required to find the greatest common measure of A, B, and C. |
Take the greatest common measure, D, of the two numbers A and B. Then either D measures, or does not measure, C. | VII.2 | |
First, let it measure it.
But it measures A and B also, therefore D measures A, B, and C. Therefore D is a common measure of A, B, and C. I say that it is also the greatest. | ||
If D is not the greatest common measure of A, B, and C, then some number E, greater than D, measures the numbers A, B, and C. | ||
Since then E measures A, B, and C, therefore it measures A and B. Therefore it also measures the greatest common measure of A and B. But the greatest common measure of A and B is D, therefore E measures D, the greater the less, which is impossible. | VII.2,Cor. | |
Therefore no number which is greater than D measures the numbers A, B, and C. Therefore D is the greatest common measure of A, B, and C.
Next, let D not measure C. I say first that C and D are not relatively prime. Since A, B, and C are not relatively prime, therefore some number measures them. | ||
Now that which measures A, B, and C also measures A and B, and therefore measures D, the greatest common measure of A and B. But it measures C also, therefore some number measures the numbers D and C. Therefore D and C are not relatively prime. | VII.2,Cor. | |
Take their greatest common measure E. | VII.2 | |
Then, since E measures D, and D measures A and B, therefore E also measures A and B. But it measures C also, therefore E measures A, B, and C. Therefore E is a common measure of A, B, and C.
I say next that it is also the greatest. If E is not the greatest common measure of A, B, and C, then some number F, greater than E, measures the numbers A, B, and C. | ||
Now, since F measures A, B, and C, it also measures A and B, therefore it measures the greatest common measure of A and B. But the greatest common measure of A and B is D, therefore F measures D. | VII.2,Cor. | |
And it measures C also, therefore F measures D and C. Therefore it also measures the greatest common measure of D and C. But the greatest common measure of D and C is E, therefore F measures E, the greater the less, which is impossible. | VII.2,Cor. | |
Therefore no number which is greater than E measures the numbers A, B, and C. Therefore E is the greatest common measure of A, B, and C. | ||
Q.E.D. |
This proposition constructs the GCD(a, b, c) as GCD(GCD(a, b), c).
The proof that this construction works is simplified if 1 is considered to be a number. Then, two numbers are relatively prime when their GCD is 1, and Euclid's first case in the proof is subsumed in the second.
Let d = GCD(a, b), and let e = GCD(d, c). Since e | d, d | a, and d | b, it follows that e | a and e | b, so e, in fact, is a common divisor of a, b, and c. But if f is any common divisor of a, b, and c, then f | GCD(a, b), that is, f | d, so f | GCD(d, c), that is f | e. Therefore e is the greatest common divisor of a, b, and c. Q.E.D.
This is the same proposition as X.4.
This proposition is used in VII.33.
Book VII Introduction - Proposition VII.2 - Proposition VII.4.