Euclid's Elements
Proposition 20

If one mean proportional number falls between two numbers, then the numbers are similar plane numbers.
Let one mean proportional number C fall between the two numbers A and B.

I say that A and B are similar plane numbers.

Take D and E, the least numbers of those which have the same ratio with A and C. Then D measures A the same number of times that E measures C. VII.33
Let there be as many units in F as times that D measures A. Then F multiplied by D makes A, so that A is plane, and D and F are its sides. java applet or image
Again, since D and E are the least of the numbers which have the same ratio with C and B, therefore D measures C the same number of times that E measures B. VII.20
Let there be as many units in B as times that E measures B. Then E measures B according to the units in G. Therefore G multiplied by E makes B.

Therefore B is plane, and E and G are its sides. Therefore A and B are plane numbers.

I say next that they are also similar.

Since F multiplied by D makes A, and multiplied by E makes C, therefore D is to E as A is to C, that is, C to B. VII.17
Again, since E multiplied by F and G makes C and B respectively, therefore F is to G as C is to B. But C is to B as D is to E, therefore D is to E as F is to G. And alternately D is to F as E is to G. VII.17


Therefore A and B are similar plane numbers, for their sides are proportional.
Therefore, if one mean proportional number falls between two numbers, then the numbers are similar plane numbers.


This proposition is used in the next two propositions and also IX.2.

Book VIII Introduction - Proposition VIII.19 - Proposition VIII.21.

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