Derivatives of Elementary Functions

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Example functions: `f(x) = `             Create your own: `f(x)` =

In this applet we show some common functions and ask you to anticipate what the graph of their derivatives look like. If you want to graph a function other than the ones that are pre-loaded, you can do that as well. Click the check boxes and drag the blue point on the `x`-axis to make things happen.


  1. Select an example function from the drop-down box below the applet. See which parts of the graph have negative slope, positive slope and zero slope. Can you visualize what the derivative looks like? If you need more help...
  2. Check the box to show the tangent line. This will help you see more clearly the slope of the `f`-graph at `x = c`, and hence the value of the derivative. If you need more help...
  3. Check the box to plot the point `(c, f'(c))`. Now you can see the actual values of the function `f'(x)`. Finally...
  4. Check the box to trace the red point and reveal the graph of the function `f'(x)`.