Spring, 2012 Syllabus
Instructor Office Hours
Dr. Michael T. Marsh 12:50 - 1:50 TTh
336 Grove Hall 9:30 - 12:30 W
email: mtmars@ship.edu

Course Materials: There should be two items available at the CUB bookstore in January.
1. ISM 340 classnotes - this is REQUIRED. (It is cheap, about $10.00, and only available at the CUB bookstore.)
2. Introduction to Programming with C++ (2nd ed) by Liang. Text website is http://www.pearsonhighered.com/product?ISBN=0136097200

The software package you will need is Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition. How to get it will be covered the first day of class.

Course Description:
Introduces the C++ programming language. Topics include: basic understanding of C++ programming constructs, syntax fundamentals, variables, operators, conditional statements, loops, functions, arrays, structures, classes, pointers, and file manipulation. Debugging strategies and techniques, documentation, and implementation of business-oriented applications are common threads throughout the course.. No prior programming experience is required. Prerequisite: ISM142 or permission of the instructor.

Course Procedures and Policies:

  1. Lectures - In general, lectures will follow the course outline (provided separately). Maximum student participation will be encouraged. Computer usage in class will be an integral part of the course.
  2. Homework - Students will be called upon to discuss techniques, interpretations, experiences, etc in class. To understand the material and to do well in the course it is essential that you keep up with the readings, programming assignments, and exercises. Programming is very time-consuming. Typically, for every class period, 2-3 hours of high quality study outside of class, is needed to earn an above average grade.
  3. Evaluation and grades - Your final course letter grade will be calculated as follows:

    Two concept exams: lowest one weighted 15%; highest, weighted 20% (open-book, open-notes, closed calculator, closed-computer, closed-neighbor)
    Two programming exams (one of which is the final): lowest one weighted 15%; highest, weighted 20%; (open everything except neighbor)
    Homework portfolio, 30% (this is an organized collection of homework assignments, due last day of class, individual effort. IMPORTANT - DO NOT GET BEHIND ON THIS!)
    (Tentative dates for the exams are given in the course outline.)

    Use your final numerical average to determine your course letter grade from the table below:
    A >= 90%
    B >= 80%
    C >= 70%
    D >= 60%
    F < 60%
    Plus and minus grades are not typically given.


    (Note: I know members of a class frequently work together and compare work. I encourage some degree of cooperation among members of the class. However, I expect any work you turn in for a grade to be your own. Copying another student's assignment and presenting it as your own work comes under the heading of Academic Dishonesty. See page 25 of the 2011-13 undergraduate catalog.)

    There are no provisions for exams or tests to be given at other than the specified time and date. Under unusual circumstances, however, missed exams may be made up if you provide appropriate documentation meeting the requirements for excused absences. Some examples are illness, family crisis, and university-associated travel (arts, sports, etc.)
  4. Attendance - You are expected to attend every class. Plan not only to show up but also to take notes, to participate, to think, and to speak! You will receive a zero for missed exams and assignments or projects not turned in when due. Your final letter grade will be lowered one letter grade if you have more than 5 unexcused absences. More than 10 will result in a failing grade for the course.

Classroom Procedures, Policies, and Guidelines - My goal is to provide a learning environment that is relaxed and comfortable for all students and the instructor. To that end, I provide the following guidelines for classroom demeanor.

  1. Classroom computers - Don't use the computer for games, email, recreational internet surfing, etc during the class period. I know it is tempting and convenient to use the computers for recreation during class time. In this class, however, there is far too much computer work related to course material for you to spend time on activities other than those related to the class. If you think you are all caught up and have nothing else productive you can do, raise your hand and I will provide you with meaningful, educational activities. You may bring your own laptop to class.
  2. Changing sections - Do not ask to sit in with another section unless you will miss your regularly scheduled class for a legitimate (from my perspective) reason. These might include health care appointments, school sponsored events, and other similar scheduling conflicts not associated with poor time management on your part. You need to let me know well in advance, as some sections are full.
  3. Food and drink - No food. Drinks must be in a spillproof container.
  4. Cell Phone Policy. TURN THEM TO SILENT OR VIBRATE BEFORE CLASS STARTS AND PUT THEM IN YOUR PURSE OR BACKPACK - DO NOT PLACE THEM ON THE DESKTOP. Of course I don't have to tell you that as it is common sense. I reserve the right to answer any cell phone that rings during class! This often provides a grand source of entertainment for the rest of the class and me. This includes texting. WHEN I AM LECTURING DO NOT TEXT-that is simply rude behavior. Do not try to hide your cell phone in your lap and surreptitiously (look it up!) read or send text messages. You may send/receive a SHORT text when you are working on an exercise.. Also, you can live without music for an hour - remove earbuds from your ears during the class.
  5. Arrivals and departures - Treat the class as a business meeting - come prepared, well rested, alert, and on time. Arrive in time to socialize, dig through your backpack, and generally get prepared before the class starts. If you must leave early, just let me know and it will present no problem. If you are too tired to keep your head off the desk, don't bother coming to class. If you find yourself becoming drowsy, a remarkably effective remedy is to stand up and go to the back of the classroom - remain standing as long as necessary.
  6. Special circumstances - If you have recurring health problems, sensitive emotional, personal, or family problems, a learning disability, or other circumstances that may affect your performance in the class, provide me as much information as you are comfortable with. Please do so early in the semester, don't wait until it is too late to make equitable adjustments and prevent a solvable problem from becoming a full-blown crisis. If you have a learning disability documented with the Office of Social Equity see me soon so we can arrange the appropriate evaluation protocol.
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