Many of the links listed here are links to articles that are only available through databases to which the SU library subscribes. If clicking on a link brings you to a page asking for a password and login, follow these steps:
(1) Point your browser to
(2) Click on the "Databases" link at the top of the page.
(3) Locate and click on the link for "Business Source Premier." (Other databases will work too...I just want you to be familiar with this one.)
(4) At this point a screen should appear asking you for your student ID barcode number. This number is located on your student ID. After entering the number, navigate back to the ob homepage, click on the article link again and it should work properly.
Note: This process saves a cookie to your computer letting your browser know that you are a Ship student and have access to library databases. For the process outlined above to work your security settings must be set to allow cookies (most are) and you must continue to use the same browser (i.e. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox) that you were using when you entered your student ID barcode number.
Please contact a librarian (or me) if you need additional help.
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