Math 175 - Pre-Calculus

Shippensburg University - Spring 2025

Instructor: Paul Taylor

Phone: 477-1705

email: pttaylor (at)


Section 1: MCT262:  MWF, 8:00-8:50
Section 2: MCT262:  MWF, 9:00-9:50

Office Hours: MCT281 - MWF 1:00-2:00, TR 11:00-12:00

Textbook: Precalculus: An Investigation of Functions, 2nd edition by Lippman and Rasmussen. You can buy a copy of this book either online or at the bookstore. It is also available electronically as a free download (

Course Web Page:

Students are required to have a graphing app or calculator for this course. This can be a phone or computer app like Desmos, or a calculator like TI-84. Most classroom demonstrations will be done with Desmos.


- Trigonometric functions, properties, graphs and applications

- Trigonometric identities and equations
- Systems of Equations

- Exponential and logarithm functions, properties, equations and applications


-  Attend class every day, arrive on time.

-  Be attentive in class and ask any questions you have.

-  If there is a concept with which you need extra help, or if you find yourself falling behind, tell me about it. Come to office hours for extra help, or send me an email explaining your concerns. The sooner the better.

-  When working in class, stay on the task at hand and maintain a reasonable volume.

-  Be responsible for any material or announcements if you miss class.

Homework will be weighted as 10% of the final grade, and four Midterms and a Final exam will count equally in the remaining 90% (18% each). Your percentage grade will be converted to a letter grade according to the following scale.

Letter Grade










Final Percent

93 -100








less than 60

For this course, you must participate in an online component called MyOpenMath (MOM),
REGISTRATION IN MyOpenMath IS REQUIRED. To register, go to The course id is 262422. Enrollment key is join175Taylor.

Homework will be done online through MoM. You can redo online homework problems repeatedly until you get them all correct. Homework will be due Wednesdays at 11:59, the week after the material is covered. Homework may be completed late (using a LatePass), but there is a 20% penalty.

There will be four midterm exams. They will occur in class on Friday, every three weeks. The tentative dates are 2/7, 2/28, 3/28, 4/18. You will be allowed a calculator during the exams, but no phone or computer, and no book or notes. If you anticipate a conflict with any of these dates, you must inform me at least one week in advance, or no accommodations will be given.

The final exam will be longer and contain problems from the entire course. As with the midterm exams, you
will be allowed a calculator during the exams, but no phone or computer, and no book or notes. In addition for 1/5 of your total exam grade, your final score will replace any lower midterm exam scores.

Homework: Deadline extension may be arranged at the instructor's discretion. The extension must be requested before the deadline. No late homework will be accepted.
Exams: If you are going to miss an exam, inform me beforehand as soon as possible and at least one week in advance. We will then be able to arrange an alternate test time or deadline. If an exam is missed without prior notification or with notification less than one week in advance, no make-up exams will be given under any circumstances. Your final exam score will be used for the missed midterm as per the policy described above in the Final Exam section.

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY It is the policy of Shippensburg University to expect academic honesty. Students who commit breaches of academic honesty will be subject to the various sanctions outlined in the Undergraduate Catalog.

OFFICE OF ACCESSIBLE RESOURCES Shippensburg University welcomes students with disabilities into all of the University's educational programs and strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible.  Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the Office of Accessibility Resources (OAR) to discuss specific needs.  OAR is located in Mowrey Hall 252 and can be reached by phone at (717) 477-1364 or via email at The office s website is

In order to receive consideration for reasonable accommodations, you must provide documentation and participate in an intake meeting.  If the documentation supports your request, the Office of Accessibility Resources will provide you with an Accommodation Notification Form.  OAR encourages you to share your notification form with your instructors and discuss your accommodations with them as early in your courses as possible. You must submit a request for a new notification form each semester that you request accommodations.


Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania and its faculty are committed to assuring a safe and productive educational environment for all students. To comply with the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 based on the 2020 Regulations and the university s commitment to offering supportive measures in accordance with the 2020 regulations issued under Title IX, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania requires faculty members to report incidents of sexual violence shared by students to the university's Title IX Coordinator, Dr. John Burnett [] or []. The only exceptions to the faculty member's reporting obligation are when incidents of sexual violence are communicated by a student during a classroom discussion, in a writing assignment for a class, or as part of a university-approved research project. Faculty members are obligated to report sexual violence or any other abuse of a student who was, or is, a child (a person under 18 years of age) when the abuse allegedly occurred to the person designated in the university Protection and Supervision of Minors on Campus Policy. 

Information regarding the reporting of sexual violence and the resources that are available to victims of sexual violence are available on the Office of Human Resources website:

Reports may be made to the following individuals:

Dr. John Burnett                            Nipa Browder                                    Jennifer Milburn                                         Trejon Dinkins

Title IX Coordinator                        Deputy Title IX Coordinator               Deputy Title IX Coordinator                       Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Office of Human Resources          Office of Human Resources               Housing/ResLife/Conferences                    Retention and Student Succes

Old Main 106-A                             Ph: 717-477-1124                             Ph:  717-477-1904                                      Ph: 717-477-1123   x3027

Shippensburg, PA 17257               Email:       Email:               Email:


Cell:  724-317-6415

Email:                                                              Alix Rouby                                             Mary Burnett           

                                                                                          Deputy Title IX Coordinator                       Deputy Title IX Coordinator

                                                                                          Career Center                                            International Programs

                                                                                                                  Ph:  717-477-1595                                     Ph:  717-477-1279

                                                                                                                  Email:                        Email:





Link for the online reporting form: (This is for reporting an issue, not making a formal complaint)

Link for the Formal Complaint form:

Link for campus resources:

Last modified: Jan 15, 2025

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