Math 181 - Applied Calculus

Shippensburg University - Fall 2024

  • Instructor: Paul Taylor
  • Phone: 477-1705
  • email: pttaylor (at)
  • Lectures:
  • Section 2: SHP-224, TR, 12:30-1:45
  • Student Consultation Hours: MCT281 - MWF 1:00-2:00, TR 9:30-10:30
  • Textbook: Business Calculus by Calaway, Hoffman, Lippman - link to textbook
  • Course Web Page:

    For this course, you must participate in an online component called MyOpenMath (MOM),
    REGISTRATION IN MyOpenMath IS REQUIRED. To register, go to The course id is 231785. Enrollment key is join181Taylor.

    Homework will be done online through MoM. You can redo online homework problems repeatedly until you get them all correct. Homework will be due Tuesdays at 11:59, the week after the material is covered.
    Students are required to have a calculator or equivalent phone/computer app for this course. The calculator must be capable of doing exponentials and logarithms. On exams, no graphing calculators, phones, or computers will be permitted.
  • Introduction to the derivative - Average rate of change, definition of the derivative, graphical and numerical derivatives
  • Derivative formulas - Power rule, exponential function derivatives, product rule, quotient rule, chain rule, higher order derivatives
  • Applications of the derivative - finding max/min, concavity, max/min applications
  • Several variables - partial derivatives, max/min with two variables
  • Integration - antiderivatives, area, indefinite and definite integral, average value

  • Attend class every day, arrive on time.
  • Be attentive in class and ask any questions you have.
  • Work on assigned tasks, both in class and homework
  • If there is a concept with which you need extra help, or if you find yourself falling behind, tell me about it. Come to office hours for extra help, or send me an email explaining your concerns, or arrange for a tutor. The sooner the better.
  • When working in class, stay on the task at hand and maintain a reasonable volume.
  • Be responsible for any material or announcements if you miss class.


    At the end of this course students will be able to:

  • Interpret mathematical information presented in different forms (such as graphs, formulas, tables) (SLO1 - Interpretation)
  • Perform calculus-based computations and draw appropriate conclusions (SLO2 - Analysis)
  • Present quantitative evidence in support of an argument (SLO3 - Communication)
  • Specific skills to be learned include:

  • Find average rate of change and instantaneous rate of change in an application context, with appropriate units
  • Apply differentiation techniques to find derivatives of compound functions
  • Find antiderivatives of elementary functions, including initial value problems
  • Use a sign chart and graph as an analysis of direction to make conclusions about relative and global max/min
  • Solve single variable max/min application problems
  • Solve application problems involving total and marginal profit/cost/revenue
  • Set up and solve max/min application problems involving polynomials in two variables
  • Apply the fundamental theorem of calculus to find area under a curve and accumulation of marginal profit/cost/revenue

    There will be three term exams and a Final exam, each contributing 15% toward your final grade. Online homework in MyOpenMath is worth 20%. Weekly worksheets are worth 20%.

    Letter Grade










    Final Percent

    93 -100








    less than 60

    There will be homewok online through MyOpenMath.  After the material is covered in class, you will have until midnight the following Tuesday to complete the assignment.

    Every Thursday (other than exam weeks), there will be an in-class worksheet for practice with the material covered that week. If completed in class that day, it can be submitted. Otherwise it is due in the next class meeting.

    There will be three term exams. Material covered will be announced in class. You will be allowed a scientific or business calculator during the exams, but no book or notes. Phones, computers, and graphing calculators are not permitted. The dates of the Midterms are Sep 19, Oct 17 and Nov 7.  If you anticipate a conflict with any of these dates, you must inform me at least one week in advance, or no accommodations will be given.

    The final exam will be longer and contain problems from the entire course. As with the midterm exams, you will be allowed your calculator but no books or notes. In addition to counting for 15% of your course grade, your final exam score will replace any lower midterm exam scores.

    If you are going to miss an exam, inform me beforehand as soon as possible (at least one week in advance for exams). We will then be able to arrange an alternate test time or deadline.
    If an exam is missed without prior notification, no make-up exams will be given under any circumstances. Your final exam score will be used for the missed midterm as per the policy described above in the Final Exam section.
    Late homework may be submitted using a "late pass", with a 20% penalty.
    If you miss a worksheet, request a copy as soon as possible and submit it at the next class meeting.

    ACADEMIC DISHONESTY It is the policy of Shippensburg University to expect academic honesty. Students who commit breaches of academic honesty will be subject to the various sanctions outlined in the Undergraduate Catalog.


    Shippensburg University and its faculty are committed to assuring a safe and productive educational environment for all students. In order to comply with the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the University’s commitment to offering supportive measures in accordance with the 2020 regulations issued under Title IX, the University requires faculty members to report incidents of sexual violence shared by students to the University's Title IX Coordinator at or by calling 717.477.1161.


    The only exceptions to the faculty member's reporting obligation are when incidents of sexual violence are communicated by a student during: 1. a classroom discussion; 2. in a writing assignment for a class; 3. or as part of a University-approved research project. Faculty members are obligated to report sexual violence or any other abuse of a student who was, or is, a child (a person under 18 years of age) when the abuse allegedly occurred to the person designated in the University protection of minors policy found at


    Information regarding the reporting of sexual violence and the resources that are available to victims of sexual violence are set forth at:  and

    Last modified: Mon Aug 21, 2024
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