Reading frames and ORFs

Objectives of this assgnment: 
Describe what the terms reading frames and ORFs mean.
Describe how how potential ORFs are detected.
Describe what is meant by template and sense strands of DNA.
Describe fundamental differences between prokaryotic-like genomes (mitochondrial in this case) and typical eukarytotic chromosomal genes;
Understand that the "universal" genetc code is not 100% universal.
Be able to use ORF Finder and BLAST programs and to
interpret findings from them

Cellular DNA is a double-stranded,anti-parallel molecule that contains genes that are both transcribed and translated (protein-coding genes), genes that are only transcribed to RNA (e.g. tRNA, rRNA, snRNA), and non-coding regions not generally transcribed (e.g., regulatory sequences, centromeres).  

Either of the two strands can contain genes.  When transcribed, the template (noncoding, antisense, minus) strand of DNA is complementary to the RNA, and the sense (coding, plus) strand of the DNA has a sequence identical to RNA in orientation (5' to 3') and in sequence (if you replace the uridines of the RNA with thymidines in the DNA). Below is a figure from part of the human mitochondrial genome (NCBI- 2008 image of mapview; current version a bit different in format).  This image shows a region containing two genes, ND5 and ND6, that encode proteins that are part of the electron transport chain, and for four different tRNAs.  The little arrows next to the gene symbol indicate the orientation of the sense strand.

Q1.  Compare ND5 and ND6 genes on the above map regarding coding strands and size of the gene.  

Genes that code for proteins are also known as open reading frames, or ORFs.  ORFs begin with a start codon (usually ATG in the sense strand of the DNA sequence)and end with one of three stop codons.  Searching for ORFs in a DNA sequence requires analysis of both strands, searching for start codons from each 5' end.  Once a putative start codon is found, the sequence is read as triplet codons until a stop codon is reached. Each strand can be read in this way in 3 possible triplet reading frames, as illustrated below.  Since the DNA is double-stranded, 6 reading frames need to be scanned for ORFs, 3 for each strand.

For the sequence:  5' cgggtgatctcata 3'

reading frame 1  cgg gtg atc tca ta

reading frame 2  c ggg tga tct cat a

reading frame 3  cg ggt gat ctc ata

And for the complementary sequence:   5' tatgagatcacccg 3'

reading frame 1  tat gag atc acc cg

reading frame 2  t atg aga tca ccc g

reading frame 3  ta tga gat cac ccg

Q2.  Which of the above examples has a potential start of an ORF?

As you might expect, searching for ORFs in long stretches of DNA sequences is pretty tedious. Fortunately, there exist tools for this type of analysis.  The NCBI Home Page at has numerous tools for analyzing DNA sequences, including a program called ORF finder.  The link for the program is toward the bottom of the NCBI main page under resources/sequence analysis, in the second portion of the list, Tools. Alternatively, from the NCBI home page click on Resources A-Z on the left and find ORF finder in the alphabetical listing.   Since they have hidden things in their new page format, you may find it useful to bookmark some of these commonly used tools in your web browser.  To run the program copy and paste the sequence of interest into the large data input window that's labeled "sequence in FASTA format".   Click on the "OrfFind" button above the window.  Within a minute an ORF list will be shown.  On the right will be the ORFs listed by length.  On the left will be a map of the DNA sequence showing the ORFs (in blue) in each of the 6 possible reading frames.

In this exercise you will examine two different gene sequences with ORF finder.

Gene located on human mitochondrial DNA 

Select and copy the sequence below (Ctrl +c) and paste (Ctrl +v) into ORF finder.  Since this is a mitochondrial gene, the default codons will not work!  Select vertebrate mitochondrial from the choices at the bottom of the ORF finder.   Click on the "OrfFind" button above the window.  Within a minute an ORF list will be shown.    On the left will be a map of the DNA sequence showing the ORFs (in blue) in each of the 6 possible reading frames. On the right will be the ORFs listed by length.  Only one ORF should be present. Click on it examine the sequence.

Q3.  Which reading frame contains the ORF (+1, -2 etc.) How long is the protein?  At which base pair (number in the DNA sequence) does the ORF start?   At which base pair (number in the DNA sequence) does the ORF end?  What start codon is used? What stop codon is used?  What are the first and last amino acids in the sequence?  Any surprises?

Q4.  If we had included in our DNA sequence the sequence for ND6, which of the reading frames (+1,+2, +3) or (-1, -2, -3) would you expect the ND6 ORF to be in?

Another tool you can access through ORF Finder is a direct link to BLAST searches.  BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) is a program which searches sequences at GenBank for matches to an input sequence.  The link is directly above the maps showing the ORFs.

There are several varieties of BLAST searches, including searches that match nucleotide sequences, protein sequences, and searches that will match a protein sequence to DNA sequences "translated" by the BLAST program.  Since we are working with a translated DNA sequence, we will use the indicated default BLAST (blastp) from the site which matches your input protein sequence (the translated ORF) with the "translated" nucleotide database (nr). 

To run the program, make sure the ORF you want to analyze is highlighted, then simply click on the BLAST button.  This will open a new page that has a request ID and additional information regarding format.  Next to the view report button check the box for “Show results in a new window”, and then click on view report.  It may take a minute or so for the full report to show up. At the top of the report you will see a map showing conserved domains in the protein detected by an additional matching program.   Below that you will see a table summarizing alignment “hits”. Below the table is a list of matching sequences.  The higher the score, the better the match; the smaller the E value, the less likely the match is just by chance.  The E values are comparable to the “p value” you would get in a statistical test, except that they can be >1.


Q4.  Look at the first match.  What does it correspond to?  What is the E value for the match?


Open the top link to AAK17750.1 to examine the GenBank entry.  In the top portion of the entry you will find a summary of information.

Q5.  What is the name (definition) of the entry?  How was the protein sequence obtained?

 Sequence in FASTA format is the nucleotide sequence (no numbers) plus the header following the > symbol. When writing out a header, be sure to hit "enter" to keep it as a separate line from the sequence. Some analysis programs (including ORF finder) don't require the header for FASTA format , others will give an error message without it. 

>mitochondrial sequence   GI|13273141:12340..14151


Gene located on human chromosome 11

When you run ORF finder on this sequence, you will find several small ORFs, only a some of which are real protein coding regions for the gene.  The N terminus of the protein is found in reading frame +3: 51-236.  Subsequent relevant portions of the protein are in reading frames +1:115-516, and +1:1261-1449.  The C terminus is in reading frame +2, 1361-1474.  Select  these ORFs and use the BLAST program to the find the matches.  Examine the alignments.  Open up and read one of the GenBank descriptions of the protein. 


Q6.  What is the name and role of the protein? How long is the complete protein?

Note the overlap of the calculated ORF sequences  +3:51-236 and +1:115-516. Is this something you normally expect in an expressed gene?   Examine the BLAST alignments for these regions.  Do the  calculated ORF protein sequences (query) entirely correspond to the beta globin protein sequence (subject)?

Q8.  Different portions of the beta globin protein sequence are found in the +1, +2 and +3 reading frames? Why wouldn't you expect beta globin ORFs to be in the -1,-2,-3 reading frames?

Q9.   Put it all together--What fundamental difference in gene structure are we observing when we compare the discontinuous beta globin gene on chromosome 11 with the  simple ORF pattern from the mitochondrial gene?

Q10.  How would the ORF pattern differ if we could run ORF finder on the mRNA sequence of this gene?


>gi|224589802:c5248301-5246696 Homo sapiens chromosome 11