Hamlet's Soliloque --
William Shakespeare Tu be or not tu be, that iz tha queschon: Wether tiz nóbler in tha mínd tu sufer Tha slingz and aróz uv outraijos forchún, Or tu taik ármz agenst a se uv trubelz, And bi opózing, end them. Tu di, tu slép - No mor, and bi a slép tu say we end Tha hart-aik and tha thouzand nachural shoks That flesh iz air tu; tiz a consúmaishon Devoutle tu be wisht. Tu di, tu slép - Tu slép, perchans tu drém - i, therz tha rub, For in that slép uv deth wát drémz may cum, Wen we hav shufeld of this mortal coil, Must giv us pauz; therz tha respect That maiks calamite uv so long líf: The ópresorz rong, tha proud manz contúmele, Tha pangz uv despízd luv, tha lawz delay, Tha insolens uv ofis, and tha spurnz That paishent merit uv the unwurthe taiks, Wen he himself mít hiz quietus maik With a bair bodkin; hu wood fárdelz ber, Tu grunt and swet under a wire líf, But that tha dred uv sumthing after deth, The undiscuverd cuntre, frum húz born No traveler returnz, puzelz tha wil, And maiks us rather ber thoz ilz we hav, Than fli tu utherz that we no not uv? Thus conshens duz maik cowardz uv us aul, And thus tha naitiv hew uv rezolúshon Iz sikléd ór with tha pail cast uv thaut, And enterprízez uv grait pich and móment With this regárd thair curents turn ari, And lúz tha naim uv acshon. - Soft yu now, Tha fair Ophelia. Nimf, in thi orizonz Be aul mi sinz rememberd. |
Tha Gettysburg Adres -- Abraham Lincoln For scor and seven yirz ago, our fátherz braut forth on this continent a nu naishon, consévd in liberte and dedicaited tu tha propozishon that aul men ar creaited équal. Now we ar engaijd in a grait sivil wor, testing wether that naishon or ene naishon so consévd and so dedicaited can long endeur. We ar met on a grait batelféld uv that wor. We hav cum tu dedicait a porshon uv that féld az a fínal resting-plais for thóz hu hir gaiv thair lívz that that naishon mít liv. It is aultúgether fiting and proper that we shood du this. But in a larjer sens, we canot dedicait, we canot consecrait, we canot halo this ground. Tha braiv men, living and ded, hu strugeld hir hav consecraited it far abuv our por power to ad or detract. Tha wurld wil litel nót nor long remember wát we say hir, but it can never forget wát thay did hir. It iz for us tha living rather tu be dedicaited hir tu the unfinisht wurk wich thay hu faut hir hav thus far so nóble advanst. It iz rather for us tu be hir dedicaited tu tha grait task remaining befor us - that frum thóz onord ded we taik incrést devóshon tu that cauz for wich thay gaiv tha last fool mezhur uv devóshon - that we hir híle rezolv that thóz ded shal not hav díd in vain, that this naishon under God shal hav a nu burth uv frédom, and that guvernment uv tha pépel, bi tha pépel, for tha pépel shal not perish frum the urth. Tha Lordz Prayer Our fáther, hu árt in heven, halód be thi naim. Thi kingdom cum, thi will be dun, on urth az it iz in heven. Giv us this day our daile bred, And forgiv us our trespasez az we forgiv thóz hu trespas agenst us. Léd us not intu temtaishon, but deliver us frum évil For thín iz tha power, tha glore, and tha kingdom, forever. Amen. |