Online Advertising |
Audience FactorsInternet Advertising has become one of the top ways to market products. The advertising industry has entered a new era of online marketing due to the rapid growth of Internet and technology. Companies buying add spaces have one thing in mind, and that is for you, as potential consumers, to click their ads. The audience is what determines whether the ads posted will be successful and effective, so companies need to know how to target certain individuals. Some of the main differences in audience factors that advertisers look into include, but are not limited to, personality variables, gender, and age. Personality VariablesOne of the major factors in a consumer’s decision-making process and Internet ad effectiveness would be the individual’s personality variables. The different personality variables such as the need for cognition and the need for emotion can impact the effectiveness of online advertisements. In an article about the consumer responses to advertising on the Internet, Jin and Villegas, conducted a study to understand what effect individual’s characteristics have on consumer advertisement processing. What advertisers want to figure out is why individuals attend and respond to some ads, while others are completely avoided. Research found that individual factors influence how an individual will respond to advertisements. (Jin & Villegas, 2007) Two main personality variables include the need for cognition and the need for emotion. The way consumers process information and form attitudes, have been affected by individual differences in the need for cognition (NFC) and need for emotion (NFE).
Individuals with a high need for cognition need to understand the message and they typically like to work through issues to bring rationality to them. Due to this, these individuals would be more likely to respond to advertisements because they want to fully understand what is being advertised. Individuals with a lower need for cognition would be more likely to avoid advertisements they have no interest in, even if they didn’t know what it was about. A problem with this is, a person with a high need for cognition could be more focused on the website, which could reduce their ability to focus on Internet ads. Individuals with a higher need for emotion seek out emotional situations and enjoy emotional stimuli. Studies found that advertisers that focus their ads on consumers’ higher need for emotion will experience more positive responses then if it was focused on need for cognition. (Lee & Thorson, 2009) The massive population of internet users have many different preferences, therefore advertisement planners must know how to target individuals based on their likes and dislikes. Advertisers need to take into account who specifically they are trying to target, and once they determine this, they can find an appropriate website to place their ads. Websites have now become very advanced in their ability to track individual’s personal interests to apply the appropriate advertisements that suit them (Jin & Villegas, 2007). Facebook is a prime example of this because they take your interests into account to determine which ads to place on your page to grab your attention. If in the "My Interests" section, one wrote snowboarding, ads for mountain vacations, snowboarding gear, and other related topics are likely to appear. Gender If one were to type ‘top sites for women’, into the search engine, some of the top websites typically visited by women were sites such as and For men in college, was at the top the list. After visiting some of these websites, differences in the ads were very distinct. When visiting ESPN the ads typically seemed to be targeted specifically to males or athletes. The most common ads were for sports deodorant, sports equipment and fantasy games, such as football and basketball. When logging onto, the most common ads seemed to be about shopping and beauty. Kids and Internet advertisements |