Shang and its Neighbors; W. Zhou Conquest

Bronze Age Cultures ca. 1200 BCE



Henan, S. Shanxi


S. Shaanxi






Wucheng Culture, ca. 1200 BCE

Pottery culture widespread

Copper mine at Tongling (Li Feng, pp. 64-5)

1 rich tomb (Li Feng, pp. 86-7, fig. 4.12)

10m x 3.6m

24 human teeth

1 young female, 2 infants

475 bronze objects

232 weapons, 51 tools, 50 vessels, 4 bells

356 pieces of pottery

150 jades

If the Shang knew about Xin’nag culture, how would it be described on the oracle bones?

What can we know about Xin’gan culture based on this limited find?

Sanxingdui Culture, Sichuan (Hansen, pp. 39-41; Li Feng, pp. 87-8, fig. 4.13)

Walled city, ca. 1500 BCE

12 sq km

2 sacrificial pits, ca. 1200 BCE

Bronze analysis shows a common metal source with those at Xin’gan (Wucheng culture)

Basic Chronology

*Western Zhou (1045-771 BCE)

*Eastern Zhou (770-256 BC)

Sources of Zhou History

Traditional transmitted texts

*1) Shijing (Book of Songs/Poetry)

2) Shang shu (Book of Documents)

3) Yijing/I-Ching (Book of Changes)

4) Later Histories, 5th-1st c. BCE

Archaeologically excavated sources

5) Oracle bones

6) Bronze inscriptions

7) Material culture

Tomb of Count Yu, ca. 950-900 BCE

Zhou Origins

Modern S. Shaanxi

*"Cradle of Dynasties"

Capital at Feng

Near modern Xi’an

Oracle bone references, 1080s BCE

Zhou Conquest

King Wen 文 (Accomplished/Civilized), r. ca. 1099-1050 BCE

King Wu 武 (Martial), r. 1049-1043 BCE

Invasion, 1045 or 1046 BCE

700,000 Shang vs. 45,000 Zhou troops

Shang king, Di Xin

Speech of King Wu in Book of Documents

“The king of Shang does not revere Heaven above and inflicts calamities on the people below. Abandoned to drunkenness and reckless in lust, he has dared to exercise cruel oppression…He has burned and roasted the loyal and good. He has ripped up pregnant women. Great Heaven was moved with indignation and charged my deceased father to display its terrors.”

*"Mandate of Heaven"

Moral basis for government

Religious sanction for government


*Di=high god

King (Wang)


*Tian (Sky/Heaven)=high god

King (Wang) & Son of Heaven (Tianzi)

On pages 143-145, Li Feng revises this traditional account based on Zhou oracle bone inscriptions. How have these new finds changed our view of a transition in religious belief from Shang to Zhou?

Zhou Internal Struggle

King Wu dies 1043

Regents for King Cheng

Duke of Shao (W.)

Duke of Zhou (E.)

Uprising in East

Shang ruler, Wu Geng

Continuation of conquests

Western Zhou Government

Royal government of Zongzhou (Ancestral Zhou)

“Five Cities,” Li Feng, p. 123

Main Capital: Feng

Administrative and military officials

Feudalism vs. Fengjian (Li, pp. 128-34)

“Duke” Gong 公

How were appointments to outer domains made in inscription on Yihou Ze gui–tureen (Li Feng, p. 129)?

Based on what you may know about medieval European feudalism, does he convince you that China had a unique “fengjian” system?

100 Years of internal stability

External warfare



Western Zhou in decline

Distancing of blood ties

“King Yi boiled the leader of the state of Qi, Duke Ai, in a cauldron” ca. 860

King Xuan (r. 827-782 BCE)

Conflicts over succession in the state of Lu

Attack on Lu, 796 BCE

“From this time on, the many lords mostly rebelled against royal commands.” Shiji

Fall of W. Zhou

King You r. 781-771 BCE

Legend of Baosi

Natural disaster


Succession dispute

Son of Baosi vs. Son of Western Shen princess

Zhou capital at Feng sacked

Western Shen and Zong states, and Xianyuan

King Ping

r. 770-729 BCE

New capital at Chengzhou (Luoyang)