Birth of Imperial China

*Qin Empire (221-206 BCE)

Why an empire in China?

What “tools of empire” have appeared in China by the late Warring States (481-221 BCE)?

  External Origins Native Origins
Hardware Bronze? Agriculture
  Wheel Cities
  Iron Commercial economy
  Horse domestication Crossbow
Software   Writing
    Administrative and legal systems
    Philosophy of government and warfare

Why Qin?

Prime location

“Cradle of Dynasties"

Zhou Homeland

Good human resources

*Shang Yang (Lord Yang) from Wei

Chief Minister, 356-338 BCE

Shang Yang's administrative reforms

Feudalism abolished

17 merit-based official ranks

Centralized state

31 counties with magistrates

Invented in 7th c. BCE (Li Feng, p. 168)

Land tenure

Division of land into equal blocks
Adult males registered with government

Legalist law system

Group responsibility

5 or 10 households

Early Qin Expansion

Wei’s western territory, 362 BE

Shu and Ba (Sichuan), 316 BCE

1/3 of agricultural land

Zhou, 256 BCE


The First Emperor of China

Born Qin Ying Zheng
259-210 BCE
King Zheng
r. 246-221 BCE
*Qin Shi Huangdi (First Emperor of Qin)
r. 221-210 BCE

Warped psychology?

Soap opera childhood

Father Qin Zi Chu

Hostage in Zhao

Merchant Lü’s intrigues

Gives concubine to Zi Chu

Zi Chu designated as successor to Heir Apparent

King of Qin (r. 249-247)

Ying Zheng inherits throne, 246 (13 years old)

Lü Buwei, regent

Lao Ai

Ying Zheng grabs power

Lao Ai killed, 235 BCE

Lü Buwei deposed, 232 BCE

3 Assassination attempts

Elixir of immortality

Campaigns of Unification, 231-221 BCE (28-38 years old)

Han, 230 BCE

Zhao, 229-228 BCE

Yan 226, BCE

Wei, 225 BCE

Chu, 224 BCE

Qi, 221 BCE

Qin Standardization

Title of ruler

*Title of Huangdi 皇帝 (Emperor)

Replaces Wang 王 (King)

*Five Phases

Official ideology

Political regime Element Color
Yellow Emperor Earth Yellow
Xia Wood Green
Shang Metal White
Zhou Fire Red
Qin Water Black

Legalist administrative system

36 commanderies (later 42)



Oversight official

Written script

"Small seal” script

Bamboo strips

Click here for more information on writing and calligraphy

Weights, measures, currency (ban liang "half-ounce" coin), axle length


Burning of books, 213 BCE
Execution of scholars, 212 BCE