Han Ideology & Historical Writing

Huang-Lao Philosophy in favor (Li Feng, pp. 304-308)

Empress Dowager Dou, d. 135 BCE

Emperor Jing, r. 156-141 BCE

“Way of Heaven”
*Yin and Yang
"Way of Man" "Way of Earth"
Dynasty Element Color
Yellow Emperor Earth Yellow
Xia Wood Green
Shang Metal White
Zhou Fire Red
Qin Water Black
Han Earth Yellow

Han Emperor Wu's (r. 141-87 BCE) Consolidation

Confucianism as state ideology

*Dong Zhongshu (175?-105? BCE)

Revival of Zhou political ideas

Emperor as Son of Heaven

*Mandate of Heaven

Rituals of kingship (Hinsch 145-47)

Emperor and Empress

Socio-political ideals:

Confucian moral virtue & patrilinealism

Cosmological ideas (Hinsch 153-67)

*Yin and Yang

Heaven and Earth

*Five Elements


Imperial Academy, 124 BCE

5 Erudite Scholars

5 Confucian classics as basis of civil service exams

Book of Changes (Yijing)

Book of Documents (Shujing)

Book of Songs/Poetry (Shijing)

Book of Rites (Liji)

Spring and Autumn Annals (Chunqiu)

Dong Zhongshu

View of Afterlife

Lady Dai’s Tomb Maowangdui, 168 BCE

2 souls (Hansen, pp. 115-16)

Spirit soul (Hun)

Body-soul (Po)

To be covered after midterm:

Factors Influencing Female Political Power

Patrilineal values

Generational power (filial piety) overrides gender discrimination

Empress dowager decided succession

Personal ability

*Empress Lü (r. 195-180 BCE)

Huidi (r. 195-188 BCE)

Wealth and Status of Consort Families

Empress Wang (d. 13 CE)

Wang Mang (Xin dynasty 9-22 CE)

Historical Writing

Earliest Historical Works

Chronicles or Annals

*Spring and Autumn Annals, 722-481 BCE

Records of the Grand Historian (Hansen) or Grand Scribe's Records (Li Feng), Shiji

Sima Tan (d. 110 BCE)

*Sima Qian (145-87? BCE)


Attempt at objectivity
Thematic organization

1. Annals
2. Tables
3. Treatises
4. Hereditary houses of pre-imperial period
5. Biographies/Descriptions of Foreign Peoples

Model for later dynastic histories

Historical Writing Institutionalized

History of Western Han Dynasty

Ban Biao (d. 54), private history
Ban Gu (32-92), court historian
*Ban Zhao (45-120)