Islam: Origins and Beliefs

Basic Vocabulary


Name of the religion

“Submission” to God


Name of one who practices Islam

“One who submits” to the will of God

Present Distribution of Muslims

Middle East, N. Africa, Asia

Arabian peninsula



Camel nomads




Example: Mecca



Kaaba in Mecca

Christians, Jews

Life of Muhammad (ca. 570-632)

Born *Mecca

Married Khadija, age 25

"Night of Power and Excellence," age 40

Visit from Gabriel

Quran, chapter 96

"Words were written on my heart."

Revelations continued, 10-15 years

Flight to *Medina, 622

Mecca-Medina wars, 622-30

Religion and politics


Muhammad=holy man+secular ruler

Jesus and Buddha=holy men


Word of God (*Allah)

Abrahamic religious tradition

Ethical monotheism


No messiah yet

Hebrew Bible (Old Testament)


Jesus is messiah



Muhammad is prophet


*5 Pillars of Islam

1) Profession of faith

"There is no god but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God."

2) Prayer

5 times per day toward Mecca

3) Almsgiving

4) Fasting


Islamic calendar, 9th month

5) *Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)

Islamic calendar, 12th month

Kaaba, black stone

Study Questions on Lecture

1. What people lived in ancient Arabia? How did they live and survive? What were their original religious beliefs?

2. Who was Muhammad? What were the major events in his life? How did he become a holy man?

3. Why is Islam part of the Abrahamic religious tradition that includes Judaism and Christianity? On what major points does Islam differ from Judaism and Christianity?

4. Compare and contrast the lives and spiritual messages of Muhammad, Buddha and Jesus.

Reading Study Questions

Hansen, et al., 200-206, 216-219

1. Who was the prophet Muhammad? What was his religious message? How did his religious message spread during his lifetime?

2. What are the Five Pillars of Islam? What are the rituals of the pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj)?

3. How did the doctrinal division between Sunni and Shi'ite Islam develop? On what major points do the two groups agree and disagree?

Supplementary Reading on D2L>Content:

18) "The Quran"

1. Why does the Quran mention biblical figures such as Abraham, Moses and Jesus? What is Abraham's special relationship with God? What is Islam's perspective on the beliefs of People of the Book (Jews and Christians)?

2. What are the religious rituals and moral obligations of Muslims?