Study Questions-Lecture
1. What is nationalism and what are its origins?
2. What is the difference between Old and New imperialism?
Study Questions-Reading
Bulliet 713-18, 726-31
1. How did nationalism affect Germany and Russia differently in the late 19th
2. What technological innovations in the 19th century facilitated European
domination of Africa and Asia?
3. What were the motives for European imperialism in the late 19th century?
The Human Record, pp. 295-302
1. What reasons does Ferry give for imperialistic expansion?
2. How are Ferry's attitudes toward non-Europeans reflected in the pictures
on pp. 299-301?
3. Who disagrees with Ferry? Why do they object? What does this
tell you about European attitudes toward imperialism?
- 4. What attitudes towards non-Europeans are depicted in the pictures?