The Islamic Empires

Land-based Islamic Empires (Gunpowder Empires)





Byzantine (E. Roman) Empire


Christian farmers

Ottoman conquests

Central Anatolia and Balkans, 14th c.

Battle of Kosovo, 1389

Defeated Serbs

*Sultan Mehmed II, "the Conqueror" (r. 1451-81)

*Constantinople (*Istanbul), 1453

Massive cannon: 26 foot barrels

Stones, 1,200 lb.

*Selim I (r. 1512-1520)

Syria, Egypt, Arabia

*Suleyman (Suleiman), "The Magnificent" or "The Lawgiver" (r. 1520-1566)

Hungary, Iraq

Siege of Vienna, 1526-1529

Ottoman army



Timars (Temporary land grants)

Devshirme "selection"

Christian boys (7-12) raised as Muslim "slaves"




Ottoman government administration

Senior government officials

Devshirme "selection"

Cosmopolitan elite culture

Succession of Sultans

Fratricide until late 16th c.

Confinement to harem

Local administration

Pashas (governors)

Religious communities

Muslims (Anatolia, Syria, Egypt, Iraq)

Christians (Balkans, Middle East)


Spanish inquisition, 16th c.

Study Questions-Lecture

1. Why was the Ottoman empire considered to be land-based, gunpowder empire? Where did the empire expand?

2. How was the Ottoman army organized? What were the roles of the cavalry and janissaries? Why was the army effective?

3. How were the central and local governments organized? What were the strengths and weaknesses of Ottoman government?

Study Questions-Reading

Hansen, 480-507

1. What was the religious and cultural background of the rulers of the Ottoman Empire? Describe the parts of Europe and Middle East included in the empire and the languages and religions of the people living under the authority of the Ottomans.

2. Why did the balance of power favor the Ottomans until 1650 and then shift in favor of European countries from 1650 to 1750?

Letter of de Busbecq, Human Record, pp. 40-47

1. What does de Busbecq feel are the strengths and weaknesses of the Ottomans? Are all of his opinions trustworthy?

2. Based on the letter, are the Ottomans or Europeans more powerful? What facts can you provide to support your position?