Worldwide Depression: The Rise of Hitler in Germany, 1919-1936

*Paris Peace Conference, 1919

Treaty of Versailles

"Big Four"

United States, Britain, France, and Italy

Germany disarmed

Army limited to 100,000 men

Navy almost eliminated

War planes, submarines, tanks, heavy artillery, poison gas forbidden

German territory lost

Polish corridor

Alsace and Lorraine

War reparations

$33 billion

*Weimar Republic, 1918-34

Weimar Constitution, 1919

Civil liberties

Vote to women

Article 48

Problems, 1920s


Treaty of Versailles

*Adolf Hitler, 1889-1945

Early Life

b. Austria

Vienna, 1908

Corporal in German army, WW I

*Nazis (National Socialist German Workers' Party), 1923

Skilled speaker

Effect of Depression on Economy

Effect of Depression on Politics

Reichstag elections

1928 Nazis:12 seats, Communists: 54 seats

1930 Nazis: 107 seats, Communists: 77 seats

1932 Nazis: 196 seats (33.1% of vote)

Mar. 1933 Nazis+Nationalists (52% of vote)

* Stormtroopers (SA)

Food, uniforms, wages

1930 100,000 members

1933 about 1 million members

Presidential election, 1932

* Paul von Hindenburg (1847-1934)

reelected with 63% of vote

Hitler 37% of vote

Hitler appointed chancellor, January 30, 1933

Hitler's consolidation of power

Fire at Reichstag, Feb. 1933

Emergency Decree (Article 48)

Communists arrested, Feb. 1933

Enabling Act, March 23, 1933

Only Socialists (15%) opposed

Monopolized power, May-July 1933

Central govt. took over taxes and education

Labor unions and political parties banned

President Hindenburg dies, August 2, 1934

Army oath to Hitler

* Third Reich (empire) declared

Führer (leader)

Video: Master Race

1. What explains Hitler's popularity?

2. How did Hitler use propaganda to solidify his power? Compare with Roosevelt.

3. Compare and contrast the reasons why Hitler and Roosevelt were popular and successful leaders of their countries in the 1930s.

Study Questions-Lecture

1. Why did the Paris Peace Conference and Treaty of Versailles create resentment in Germany?

2. How did Hitler gain control of the German government?

3. How did the Nazis use propaganda to appeal to people?  Compare and contrast this with Roosevelt's fireside chats.

4. Compare and contrast the reasons why Hitler and Roosevelt were popular and successful leaders of their countries in the 1930s.

Study Questions-Reading

Hansen 794-7, 818-25

1. What was the Paris Peace Conference? How did it punish Germany?

2. Why were fascists in Italy and National Socialists (Nazis) in Germany able to gain control of government in the late1920s and early 1930s?

Andrea 381-84, "Comments of the German Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference"

1. Why does the German delegation feel that their country has been treated unfairly at the Paris Peace Conference? Do you think that their complaints are justified or not?

Andrea 394-99, Hitler, Mein Kampf (My Struggle)


Why did Hitler believe that Jews were inferior to Aryans? Why do you think that Hitler wanted Germans to hate the Jews?


What kind of government did Hitler envision for Germany? Why?


What was Hitler's vision for German foreign policy? Why?