Indian and Pakistani Independence

Factors encouraging *decolonization

Spread of idea of nationalism

Reaction against foreign intrusion


Political oppression

World Wars

Weakened colonial powers

Psychological boost


Competing nationalistic ideas

Drawing of borders

*Indian National Congress (INC), 1885

*Elite nationalism, 1885-1905

Allan Octavian Hume, 1829-1912

Social composition: 90% lawyers


Access to higher levels of civil service

Eradication of poverty

Methods: 3 "P's"

*Mass nationalism, 1905-47

Goal: independence

Factors encouraging development

Russo-Japanese war, 1905

World War I

Loss of moral superiority

Woodrow Wilson, "self-determination"

New leadership and ideas

*Mohandas (Mahatma "the great soul") Gandhi, 1869-1948

Gandhi's appeal


Message empowers masses

Salt March, 1930

Muslim nationalism

Muslims: 1/4 of India's population

*Muslim League

*Muhammad Ali Jinnah, 1876-1948

Ally of INC until 1937

Disillusionment with INC

Hindu dominance (Education/wealth)

Provincial elections, 1937

Hindus "have clearly shown their hand that [India] is for the Hindus"

Pakistan: Problems?

Catalyst for independence: World War II

Heavy Indian contribution

Food supplies

1-2 million famine victims in Bengal

2 million soldiers

British attitudes?

Independence, 1947


Lord Louis Mountbatten

*Jawaharlal Nehru, 1889-1964

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Population transfers

Punjab, 11 million

Bengal, 1 million

Religious violence

500,000 to 1 million killed

Gandhi assassinated, Jan. 1948

Present religious composition


Population 176 million

Muslims, 95%

E. Pakistan (Bangladesh, 1971)

Pop. 156 million

Muslims, 83%

Hindus, 16%


Pop. 1.16 billion

Hindus, 80%

Muslims, 14%

Study Questions-Lecture

1. What general factors encouraged the formation of independent nations in Africa, Asia and the Middle East in the middle of the twentieth century?

2. What explains the transition from elite to mass nationalism in India? What role did Gandhi play?

3. Why did Britain grant independence peacefully to India? Why was the British colony of India partitioned into separate nations of India and Pakistan?

Study Questions-Reading

Hansen 828-34, 887-95

1. What European colonial policies encouraged independence movements in the early 20th century? How did Gandhi mobilize Indians to oppose British colonialism?

2. When European colonies in Asia and Africa gained freedom after World War II, why was it difficult for the new nations to achieve political and economic stability?

Pomeranz 241-243

1. How did British policies stifle Indian economic development in the early 20th century?

Andrea, The Human Record

Mohandas Gandhi, "Indian Home Rule," pp. 440-45

1. What deficiencies does Gandhi see in Western civilization? How does he define true civilization? Do you agree with him?

2. Why does he believe that Hindus and Muslims can live together peacefully in a future India? Do you agree with him?

3. What tactics of political resistance does he encourage? Do you think that they can work?

"Debate in the House of Commons," pp. 478-82

1. According to the speakers, what military and economic realities make it impractical to continue British rule in India?
2. Do you think that Gandhi had any influence over the ultimate decision of the British to give up India?