Dr. Claire Jantz

Student White Papers

White paper
Studends used GIS techniques to estimate land use change associated with gas wells in Bradford County, PA


Many student research papers from classes or from geoenvironmental research projects are quite excellent and relevant, but quickly buried after the semester ends. Here are some examples of high quality student research projects that I have supervised in order to share with prospective students and other researchers.

Student White Papers

Atkins, Eric (2010). Estimating impacts of population growth on ecosystem services for the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River. Geoenvironmental research. PDF (1.8 MB)

Duxbury, Brandon, Kevin Eaton, Kristin Kitchen, and Katie Springman (2011). Exploration of land cover correlations to water quality within the Antietam Creek Watershed: a case study. Geo 533 group project. (PDF <1MB)

Finn, Sam, Stephanie Keiffer, Becca Koroncai and Bob Koroncai (2011). Assessment of InVEST 2.1 Beta: Ecosystem service valuation software. Geo 533 group project. PDF (1.5MB)

Humphrey, Michael, Laurie Young, Neal Kerrigan, and Jared Matson (2011). Upper Delaware River Basin priority conservation areas: Effects of future urban growth scenarios. Geo 533 group project. PDF (1MB)

Kubach, Hannah, Jake Ward, and Shawn Wiley (2011). Assessing land use changes due to Marcellus gas operations in Bradford County, PA. Geo 533 group project. PDF (1.4MB)

Maret, Michael (2011). Using the SLEUTH urban growth model to identify "drivers" of land use change in the Baltimore metropolitan region. Geoenvironmental research. PDF (1.6MB)

Otis, Trent (2012). Evaluating SLEUTH model accuracy at different geographic scales around two National Parks. Geoenvironmental research. PDF (<1.6MB)

Stretton, Karen (2010). Evaluation of changes to the quality of riparian forest buffers in the Susquehanna River Watershed. Geoenvironmental research. PDF (<1MB)

Ward, Jake (2011). Changes in the spatial and temporal distribution of gray catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) territories in a riparian corridor of Bronx Park, NYC from 2003 to 2006 amidst floodplain and vegetation restoration. Geoenvironmenetal research. PDF (2MB)

Woodlief, Veronica, Trent Otis, and Matt Krapf (2011). SLEUTH modeling of urban growth around the C&O Canal National Historic Park. Geo 533 group project. PDF (<1MB)


Last updated January 2013
Page maintained by C. Jantz