Prerequisite Core Courses (6 cr):
Computer Skills Component:
CSC 103 Overview of Computer Science
CSC 110 Computer Science I (Computer Science majors only)
ISM 142 Business Computer Systems
Writing Skills Component:
ENG 238 Technical/Professional Writing I
Other Course Offerings (12 cr):
NOTE: excepting internships, no more than two courses per department can count for minor credit.
ART 217 Computer Design I (Page Composition) *
ART 306 Computer Design II (Illustration)
ART 319 Computer Design III (Painting and Photo Manipulation)
ART 425 Computer Design IV (Multimedia)
ART 430Computer Design V (Web Design)
ART 435 Computer Design VI (Book and Portfolio Design)
COM 212 Media Writing*
COM 224 Writing for Broadcast Media
COM 285 News Wrting and Reporting
COM 290 Advertising Copy Writing
COM 376 Feature Writing
CSC 434 Web Programing (Computer Science majors only)
ENG 323 Reviewing the Arts for Publication
ENG 438 Technical/Professional Writing II (prerequisite: ENG 238)
HCS 350 Theories of Organizational Communication
PHL 332 Ethical Issues and Computer Technology
Optional Internship (up to 3 hrs.):
upon completing 12 course hours with permission of Minor Director
* Prerequisite to any other course in that department
Fall 2009 Courses
Computer Skills Component:
CSC 103 Overview of Computer Science
CSC 110 Computer Science I (Computer Science majors only)
Other Course Offerings (12 cr):
ART 217 Computer Design I (Page Composition) *
ART 319 Computer Design III (Painting and Photo Manipulation)
ART 430Computer Design V (Web Design)
COM 224 Writing for Broadcast Media
COM 285 News Wrting and Reporting
COM 290 Advertising Copy Writing
ENG 438 Technical/Professional Writing II (prerequisite: ENG 238)
HCS 350 Theories of Organizational Communication