The internet is becoming a very important aspect of the lives of children and adolescents. Children and Adolescents use the internet for both pleasure and as an essential tool in their school work, and it has evolved into a very pivotal tool for children and adolescents to use to make and connect with friends. The internet though also poses many risks to children and adolescents. The risks that children and adolescents face on the internet vary from harassment to the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.

According to the study "Clustering of Internet Risk Behaviors in a Middle School Student Population" by Elizabeth Dowell et al. (2009) the internet risk behaviors for children and adolescents are:

1. Posting Personal Information a. 31.1% of Middle School aged boys and 27% of Middle School aged girls reported posting personal information on the internet.

2. Viewing inappropriate web sites a. 42% of the boys in the study and 40.6% of the girls in the study reported viewing inappropriate web sites on the internet

3. Online Harassment a. Close to a third of the subjects in the study reported posting rude comments online as well as playing jokes on others and harassing or embarrassing someone through the internet.

These can be very detrimental to children and adolescents and according to the study Dowell et al. (2009) one way of preventing these is through the use of Filters. Filters on the internet are used to block certain sites that are inappropriate for children and adolescents. Dowell et al. (2009) reports that 60.2% of girls in the study used a computer with a filter system on it; while 49.2% of boys reported using a computer that had a filter installed. Filters, though, can be manipulated so that children and adolescents can get around the filter and view the potentially dangerous unfiltered internet. Dowell et al. (2009) reported that boys are more likely to override filters; 32.6% of boys reported overriding filters on their home computers; given this information it would be wise for parents to carefully monitor their children on the internet even if a filter system is installed.

The study found that The posting of personal information, corresponding online with an unknown person, and online initiated sex sites (Dowell et al, (2009), pg. 551) to be the largest cluster of internet risk behaviors. Children and Adolescents are vulnerable to strangers and predators online; these risky behaviors, such as sending pictures, personal E-mail, and their name, make it easier for child predators to prey on adolescents and children; it is extremely important to educate children on the dangers and risks of their actions when they are on the internet.

Dowell et al. (2009) reported that children and adolescents who participate in one risky behavior online are more likely to participate in more risky behaviors. According to the study Dowell et al. (2009) the best way to help stop risky behaviors on the internet is to refer the child for preventive intervention. A suggestion, in the study Dowell et al. (2009), is for programs for young adolescents that describe risky behavior on the internet and include practice exercises for refusal and resisting techniques. Another option would be for schools to hold lectures and seminars, when children are young, educating them on the dangers of the internet and explaining how to avoid risky behavior on the World Wide Web.

According to the study Characteristics and Motives of Adolescents Talking with Strangers on the Internet by Peter et al. (2006) girls and boys both talk to strangers on the internet relatively the same amount. Younger Adolescents talk with strangers on the internet more than older adolescents, and introversion had no influence on whether an adolescent talks to a stranger on the internet. The motives for talking to strangers on the internet, according to Peter et al. (2006), were for entertainment and to compensate for lacking social skills. The dangers of talking to strangers on the internet are enormous. The level of anonymity on the internet allows for child predators to pose as other children in order to exploit children. Children are not always aware of the risks involved in talking with strangers, so it is important for parents to monitor and prepare their children well for the risks of talking to strangers on the internet. Adolescents and Children should be taught not to give out pictures, E-mail, or any personal information to strangers on the internet.

While the internet does pose many risks to adolescents and children it is important to understand that adolescents and children do benefit from the internet. The internet allows for better research, communication with real-life friends, and is a very important tool in a child's school and education; by identifying the risks of the internet it will make it easier for adults to help prevent adolescents and children from participating in risky behaviors online.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has released a publication entitled A Parents Guide to Internet Safety. The following link will take you to the publication which contains valuable information on how to protect and prepare children for the internet.

While the internet does pose many risks to adolescents and children it is important to understand that adolescents and children do benefit from the internet. The internet allows for better research, communication with real-life friends, and is a very important tool in a childs school and education; by identifying the risks of the internet it will make it easier for adults to help prevent adolescents and children from participating in risky behaviors online.