My wife Sarah N. Bryant and I co-founded and run the Shippensburg Area Math Circle for local 4th and 5th grade students. In Fall 2014, we ran a pilot program at the laboratory school on Shippensburg University’s campus. Since then the program has been available to all students in the surrounding area. In addition, we have three university student leaders each semester. We hold about five ninety-minute sessions a semester. Please click on the link above for more information including lesson plans.
I have been the lead organizer for the annual Shippensburg University Math & Computer Science Day event since 2010. This is a day when high school students from the surrounding region come to Shippensburg University to participate in mathematics and computer science events. The format has changed over the years, and currently the event features a Team Computer Programming Competition, an Individual Mathematics Contest, and a Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival.
Math & Computer Science Day 2018 by the numbers: 13 high schools, 129 high school students, 16 high school teachers, 33 SU student volunteers, 14 SU faculty and staff volunteers, 1 Dickinson College faculty volunteer, 4 events and over 35 challenging problems.
I was a teaching fellow for the National Science Foundation GK-12 Program from 2006-2007. As a visiting scientist at Klondike Middle School in Lafayette, IN, I collaboratively designed and taught inquiry-based lessons with math and science teachers. The following lessons plans are available at the Purdue University website.