Karl's Calculus Tutor - Coached Exercise 6.3-1 on Logs and Limits

Box 6.3-1: Coached Exercise on Logs and LimitsKCT logo

© 1997 by Karl Hahn

Let's take the second identity first -- the one that says

   ln(bn)  =  n ln(b)                                             eq. 6.3b-1
since it is a shorter derivation. We must derive this identity starting only with the limit definition of the ln function:
                     bh - 1
   ln(b)  =    lim                                                eq. 6.3b-2
              h  > 0    h
Step 1: Set the problem up in terms of the limit definition. That is, wherever you see "ln" in equation 6.3b-1, rewrite it using the limit definition given in equation 6.3b-2. See if you can do this step, then click here to continue.

So in this problem, you must show that

           (bn)h - 1              bh - 1
     lim              =  n  lim                                   eq. 6.3b-3
    h  > 0     h           h  > 0    h
Step 2: Apply one of the rules of exponentials. The left-hand side of equation 6.3b-3 contains a power to a power. We have an identity for that from section 6.1. Apply that identity and use it to rewrite equation 6.3b-3. When you are done,
click here to proceed to the next step.

Remember that to find an exponential raised to power, you can simply raise the base to the product of the powers. That is (bn)h = bnh. So equation 6.3b-3 becomes

           bnh - 1              bh - 1
     lim            =  n  lim                                     eq. 6.3b-4
    h  > 0    h          h  > 0    h
Step 3: Simplify the left side by making a substitution. As you will see as your calculus studies progress, you have to attack many problems by substituting a variable with an expression or vice versa. And that is the approach we will take here. To the beginner, it is not always easy to see how to make the correct choice for a substitution, but you get an eye for it the more you practice. In this case it's the exponent on the left that we need to attack. So substitute k = nh into the left side. Note that as h goes to zero, so does k and vice versa. So the lim subscript can become k > 0 just as well as h > 0. And be sure to make the appropriate substitution in the denominator of the left-hand side of the equation. You should end up with no h's on the left of the equals. And with just a little algebraic munging, the final step should become clear. When you get done or get stuck,
click here to proceed.

When you substitute k = nh into the left-hand side of equation 6.3b-4, the exponent, nh, becomes k. But in the denominator you have that h all alone. What do you substitute there? Just divide k = nh through by n to see. You see that you can substitute

   h  =                                                           eq. 6.3b-5
If you make the substitution all the way through the left-hand side and multiply numerator and denominator by n, you get
           n (bk - 1)              bn - 1
     lim               =  n  lim                                  eq. 6.3b-6
    k  > 0      k           h  > 0    h
Why, you might be asking, didn't you substitute k/n into the subscript of the lim symbol? Because if  h = nk  then h goes to zero whenever k goes to zero and vice versa.

Step 4: Factor the n out of the limit. We know that the limit of the product is the product of the limits. And the limit of n as h or k goes to zero is simply n. So on the left-hand side of the equals, you can move the n in the numerator to the left of the lim symbol. The left and right hand sides are the same now except that one uses k going to zero and the other uses h going to zero. But does it matter what you call the thing that goes to zero? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, and a variable that goes to zero by any other name still goes to zero. So the limits are the same. And that completes the derivation.

The other coached exercise was to demonstrate that

   ln(ab)  =  ln(a) + ln(b)                                       eq. 6.3b-7
using only the limit definition of the ln function.

Step 1: Rewrite equation 6.3b-7 using the limit definition of ln. Everywhere you see ln replace it with the limit definition. Do this, then click here to proceed.

This step is just a substitution exercise. You should have gotten

           (ab)h - 1             ah - 1           bh - 1
     lim              =    lim          +   lim                   eq. 6.3b-8
    h  > 0     h          h  > 0    h      h  > 0    h
The rest is to prove that the limit on the left is equal to the sum of the limits on the right.

Step 2: Apply a common identity for the exponential of a product. Remember, you derived that identity in one of the exercises for section 6.1. When you've done it, click here to proceed.

The identity that applies here is (ab)h = ahbh. So you get

           ahbh - 1             ah - 1           bh - 1
     lim             =    lim          +   lim                    eq. 6.3b-9
    h  > 0     h         h  > 0    h      h  > 0    h
Step 3: Extract where you're going to from the left-hand side. This is the not-so-obvious step. The right-hand side of 6.3b-9 is where we want to go with this. So we are going to add the right-hand side minus itself to the left-hand side. The net effect is that we are adding zero to the left (because anything minus itself is always zero), and you can add zero to anything and it stays the same. And since the sum of the limits is the limit of the sum, you don't have to repeat the lim notation five times on the left-hand side of the equals. Once will do just nicely. Take a stab at this step, then
click here to proceed.

It's starting to look nasty because the equation is getting long, but just be patient and take it one term at a time. You should have gotten

           ahbh - 1   ah - 1   bh - 1   ah - 1   bh - 1
     lim            +        +        -        -         =
    h  > 0     h         h        h       h         h

              ah - 1           bh - 1
        lim          +   lim                                      eq. 6.3b-10
       h  > 0    h      h  > 0    h
Step 4: Rearrange the terms on the left of the equal. We're in luck because everything is already over the same denominator of h. That makes the terms easy to add and subtract. Take the negative quotients and combine them with the first quotient (that is the one with the product in the numerator). Take care gathering and summing the constant terms (that is the 1's and -1's). When you've done that
click here to proceed.

Here's what you should have gotten:

           ahbh - ah - bh + 1    ah - 1   bh - 1
     lim                      +        +         =
    h  > 0          h              h        h

              ah - 1           bh - 1
        lim          +   lim                                      eq. 6.3b-11
       h  > 0    h      h  > 0    h
You can see that the last two quotients on the left of the equals are looking a lot like what we have to the right of the equals. All we have to do is prove that that first quotient (the one with all those terms in the numerator) is actually equal to zero, and then we're very close to being done.

Step 5: Factor that nasty-looking numerator. It is the product of two binomials. See if you can find them. Then click here to proceed.

The factorization is

   ahbh - ah - bh + 1  =  (ah - 1)(bh - 1)                        eq. 6.3b-12
So now you have
           (ah - 1)(bh - 1)   ah - 1   bh - 1
     lim                    +        +         =
    h  > 0         h             h        h

              ah - 1           bh - 1
        lim          +   lim                                      eq. 6.3b-13
       h  > 0    h     h  > 0    h

Step 6: Convert the sum of quotients into a sum of limits, then take the limit of the one you factored. To take the limit of the quotient whose numerator you factored, remember that the limit of the product is the product of the limits. Your aim is to show that the limit of the quotient that has the factored numerator is zero. To show that the limit of a product is zero, you have to show that both factors have limits and that at least one of those limits is zero. When you've shown that, you're done. Then you can click here to see if you did it right.

That first quotient can be made to look like either

                    bh - 1
     lim   (ah - 1)                                               eq. 6.3b-14a
    h  > 0             h
                    ah - 1
     lim   (bh - 1)                                               eq. 6.3b-14b
    h  > 0             h
Either way, when you take the limit, the quotient part becomes a natural log (either of b or of a respectively). The other part of each is zero. Why? Because every positive number raised to a power approaches 1 as the exponent goes to zero. So in either case, that term approaches 1 - 1 = 0. And when you multiply zero times the natural log of any positive real number you get zero.

And once you've eliminated that factored quotient, the remaining terms, right and left, balance. So we've proved it.

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