Karl's Calculus Tutor - Solution to Exercise 8.3-1

Solution to Exercise 8.3-1KCT logo

© 1999 by Karl Hahn

The problem was: Find l and w if the function,

   f(t)  =  elt cos(wt)
has a zero crossing at  t = p/4 and has a critical point at  t = p/6.

Step 1: What can you learn from the zero crossing? Solve what you can using the zero crossing first. You do that by setting t to p/4 and f(t) to zero.

   0  =  elt cos(w × p/4)
You can divide the elt out of both sides and you get:
   0  =  cos(w × p/4)

Step 2: Use trig to solve for w. If  cos(q is zero, then  q = p/2  or  q = 3p/2  or  q = 5p/2  etc. Here  q = w × p/4. You can see from this that w can be 2, 6, 10, or any value in the form of  2 + 4n, where n is an integer. But the problem asks for the smallest positive value of w, and that is  w = 2.

Step 3: Now that you've solved for w, find f'(t) so you can solve for l. Using the product rule, you find that

   f'(t)  =  lelt cos(wt)  -  welt sin(wt)

Step 4: Put the values that you know into f'(t). Put in zero for f(t) (critical points always occur where the derivative is equal to zero), put in 2 for w (we just figured out that that is what w is equal to), and put in p/6 for t (because the problem says the critical point is at that value of t).

   0  =  lelp/6 cos(p/3)  -  2elp/6 sin(p/3)

Step 5: Solve for l. You can divide out the elp/6. You also know from trig that

  cos(p/3)  =   
  sin(p/3)  =    
So with that knowledge the equation becomes
         l    _
   0  =    - Ö3

   l  =  2Ö3

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