Showing and Hiding Objects

I created a simple GeoGebra worksheet with a circle and several "spokes" attached to the middle.  Using the Checkbox tool we can show/hide the circle and the spokes.  Here is the file: Tutorial-8-1.ggb.
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But what I'd really like is to make the ability to show/hide the spokes dependent on whether or not the circle is showing, like the one to the right.
Here is the file: Tutorial-8-2.ggb.
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Here's the idea: once I've created two checkboxes, I rename the boolean values  tfWheel  and  tfSpokes  (I prefix it with tf to remind me that its only values are true and false).

In Object Properties, I select tfSpokes, and under the Advanced tab, in the "Condition to Show Object" area I enter  tfWheel.

Now, the tfSpokes checkbox only appears whenever tfWheel is true (that is, then the checkbox is checked).

The spokes consist of 5 segments and 5 points.  Next I click the word "Segment" to select all the segments, then under "Condition to Show Object" I type
    tfSpokes && tfWheel

When I hit enter, the && gets replaced with the logical "and" symbol, as seen to the right.

I similarly change the 5 points that are at the end of each spoke.

More on logical operations here.

Try the applet to the right.
Here is the file: Tutorial-8-3.ggb.
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I created three text areas and named them  txtInstructions,  txtWarm, and  txtHot.

To make txtWarm appear I enter
    Distance[ A, (6, 3) ] ≤ 1.5
in the "Condition to Show Object" box.

To enter the less-than-or-equal sign, you can type Alt-<, or you can select it from the drop down box to the right of the text field.

In this last example, I use a slider to control when objects are shown.
Here is the file: Tutorial-8-simson.ggb.
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