Teacher Education ----
The National Teacher Education Journal
Journal of Teacher Education (JTE)
Journal of Educational Psychology (Open) ***
The Teaching Professor *
Action in Teacher Education***
American Journal of Education
Comparative Education Review
The Elementary School Journal**
Schools: Studies in Education
Technology, Pedagogy and Education
The Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies (JEAPS)
Intervention in School and Clinic
Education and Urban Society**
Educational Research Quarterly **
Communication Education
The Journal of Educational Research
The Educational Forum
Principal Leadership
Teaching Exceptional Children
Technology Integration ----
Computers in the Schools ***
*Technical Services Quarterly
Educational Technology Review
International Journal of Technology and Design Education
Journal of Computing in Higher Education
Journal of Computing in Teacher Education **
Journal of Research on Technology in Education
Journal of Educational Computing Research *
Journal of Educational Media
AACE - Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia
Journal of Educational Technology and Society
Journal of Interactive Learning Research
Journal of Technology & Teacher Education ***
Journal of Technology Education * (VT)
The Journal of Media And Communication Studies (Jmcs)
International Journal of Instructional Media
Educational Technology Research and Development**
Journal of Science Education and Techno log **
The Journal of Science and Technology Education Research(JSTER)**
Journal of Online Education (Archive)
Electronic Journal for the Integration of Technology in Education
Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems **
European Journal of Teacher Education
British Journal of Educational Technology
A Middle School Technologies Journal **
School Library Journal *
Journal of Digital Content
International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning
EDUCAUSE Quarterly
College & University Media Review
Journal of Interactive Media in Education
Journal of Research on Technology in Education
Journal of Technology Education
Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment (JTLA)
New Horizons for Learning
Journal of Educational Technology Systems
Journal of Educational Computing Research
Journal of Interactive Instruction Development,
American Journal of Distance Education
United States Distance Learning Association Journal
Australian Journal of Educational Technology
British Journal of Educational Technology
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology
Journal of Instructional Science and Technology
Language Learning & Technology
Teaching English with Technology
The New Curriculum
Information Technology and Library
Science and Technology Libraries
Social Studies Instruction ----
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Social Studies Teacher Education (CUFA)
International Journal of Social Research Methodology
International Journal of Social Education
National Social Science Journal
The History Teacher
The Social Studies
Journal of Education and Human Development
The Journal of Social Studies Research (JSSR)
Teachers and Teaching
International Ed. / International Social Science Ed. ----
International Education Journal
Journal of Studies in International Education
Journal of Research in International Education
International Journal of Education & the Arts
International Journal of Educational Research
International Journal of Social Education
International Journal of Social Education (Indiana)
The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Ed.
The International Journal of the Humanities
SAGE journal: Education, International & Comparative Education
Chicago Journals - Comparative Education Review
Research in Comparative and International Education
Asia Pacific Cybereducation Journal
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education
Global Education
Global Education Publications
Multicultural Perespectives
Multicultural Education