Karl's Calculus Tutor - Solution to Exercise 6.2-5

Box 6.2-5: Solution to Exercise 6.2-5KCT logo

© 1997 by Karl Hahn

The problem was to find the derivative of

   f(x)  =  b-x2
To apply the chain rule, you need to identify what two functions f(x) is a composite of. That is we need to see f(x) as
   f(x)  =  g(h(x) )
and identify what g(x) and h(x) are. Then the chain rule tells us to find the derivative by taking
   f'(x)  =  g'(h(x) ) h'(x)
So we'll need to know g'(x) and h'(x) as well.

Do you agree that if we take

   g(x)  =  bx
   h(x)  =  -x2
then the composite of these two yields f(x) = b-x2?

Taking the derivative of g(x) using the method from this section, we have

   g'(x)  =  ln(b) bx
And taking the derivative of h(x) using the methods we developed in the early sections on derivatives, we have
   h'(x)  =  -2x
Now simply substitute all this back into the chain rule:
   f'(x)  =  g'(h(x) ) h'(x)  =  (ln(b) b-x2) (-2x)
That's it.

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