Intermediate Answers to Exercise 10.1-2KCT logo

© 2000 by Karl Hahn

The base is length a, so if you divide it into n equal slices, each slice will be  a/n  wide.

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Slicing up a Parabola

The figure on the right will help you visualize how we are slicing the area under the parabola. Here we are cutting it into four slices -- that is  n = 4  (note that the leftmost slice has height of zero). The first slice has its left-hand edge at  x = 0.  The second at  x = a/n.  The third at  x = 2a/n.  That pattern continues. So the left-hand edge of the kth slice is at  x = (k-1)a/n.

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Recall that  f(x) = x2.  And the result from step 2 is that the left-hand edge of the kth rectangle is at  x = (k-1)a/n.  So just substitute the x into the f(x) with that expression to get the height of the kth rectangle, hk:

   hk  =  f((k-1)a/n)  =  (k-1)2a2/n2

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The width of every slice is  a/n.  The height of the kth slice is  (k-1)2a2/n2.  So the area, Ak, of the kth slice is width times height, which is:

   Ak  =  (k-1)2a3/n3

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Just put the expression you got in step 4 into a summation for k equal 1 to n.

               n          n
   Atotal  =   å Ak  =   å (k-1)2a3/n3
              k=1        k=1

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The factor that is constant with respect to k is  a3/n3.  When you factor it out you get

   Atotal  =  (a3/n3) å (k-1)2

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The summation from step 6 is just the sum of the squares of the integers from zero to n-1. We have a formula for that. When you apply it you get

   Atotal  =  (a3/n3)             

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When you multiply out the polynomial you get

                      2n3 - 3n2 + n
   Atotal  =  (a3/n3)              
Now multiply through by the  a3/n3:
              a3      a3      a3
   Atotal  =      -       +     
               3      2n     6n2

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The terms with n in them all have the n in the denominator. So as n gets very big, these terms become closer and closer to zero, hence they become insignificant. All that remains is the term with no n in it. So in the limit you have
   Atotal  =  a3/3
which is the actual area of the shaded region that we started with.

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How to find the sum of the squares of the integers from zero to n-1: First observe what the difference of two consecutive cubes is:

   n3 - (n - 1)3   =  n3  -  (n3 - 3n2 + 3n - 1)  =  3n2 - 3n + 1
Notice that we had to apply the
binomial formula to unravel that.

Now observe that

   n3  =  (13 - 03) + (23 - 13) + (33 - 23) +  ...  

            ... + ((n-1)3 - (n-2)3) + (n3 - (n-1)3)
which works simply because everything cancels except the n3. But isn't that just the same as saying
   n3  =  å k3 - (k-1)3
Now, turning the equation around and substituting the difference expression we got using the binomial formula, we have:
    å 3k2 - 3k + 1  =  n3
Try this with a few small values of n to convince yourself that it works.

The expression in the summation is itself a sum of three things. So we separate it into three summations:

    n          n         n
    å 3k2  -  å 3k  +  å 1  =  n3
   k=1        k=1       k=1
Now factor the constant multipliers from each summation:
     n           n        n
   3 å k2  -  3 å k  +  å 1  =  n3
    k=1         k=1      k=1
Starting with the easiest summation, the sum from 1 to n of 1 added to itself is pretty easy. That's equal to n.

The sum the integers from 1 to n we can do the same we we did in the main text for adding integers from zero to n-1 (by writing the sum forward and backward):

   S  =   1   +   2   +   3   +  ...  +  n-2  +  n-1  +   n
   S  =   n   +  n-1  +  n-2  +  ...  +   3   +   3   +   1
  2S  =  n+1  +  n+1  +  n+1  +  ...  +  n+1  +  n+1  +  n+1
Clearly twice the sum is n+1 added to itself n times. So
    n       n(n+1)
    å k  =        
   k=1         2
So substituting for the two sums that we know, our equation becomes:
     n          n(n+1)   
   3 å k2  -  3         +  n  =  n3
    k=1            2
Now move all the stuff that we have resolved so far over to the right and divide by 3
    n         n3     n(n+1)     n
    å k2  =      +          -   
   k=1         3        2       3 
This gives the sum of the square integers from 1 to n. But we wanted the sum from zero to n-1. So we have to add zero squared and subtract n2. Of course zero squared is zero, so we ignore that. Here is the result:
   n-1        n3     n(n+1)     n
    å k2  =      +          -     -  n2
   k=0         3        2       3 
Now multiply out the n(n+1), and put everything over a common denominator:
   n-1       2n3 + 3n2 + 3n - 2n - 6n2     2n3 - 3n2 + n     n(2n2 - 3n + 1)
    å k2  =                             =                 =                 
   k=0                    6                      6                  6
All that remains for you to do to finish this is to factor the quadratic on the right.

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