Han Liu Home | TCH 505 Home | TCH 505 Schedule

01. Technology Standards
02. A Historical Review
03. eLearning Theory
04. TPCK
05 21st Century Learner
06. 21st Century Learning
07. Information Literacy
08. ICT Literacy
09. Media Literacy
10. Web2.0 for Educators
11. 21st Century Classroom
12. Internet Culture

13. Instructional Models
14. Learning Strategies
15. Assessment of eLearning
16. Case Studies

17. Emerging Educational Technology

18. Social, Legal, & Ethical Issues
19. Copyrights Issues
20. Internet Safety Issues
21. Trends and Issues
22. Learners' Voice

23. Recommended Reading
24. Online Resources
25. Online Resources for Technology Integration

26. On-Going Professional Development
Who is Who is Educational Technology
Emerging careers in 21st Century
Video Gallery
Hot Topics

Technology Tools
A. Internet Basics // Web Timeline
B. Handy Tools Collection
C. Office Applications FAQ and Tutorials
D. Instruction, Learning & Research Tools
E. Handhelds
  • Windows PDAs
  • Palm PDAs
  • Tablet PC
  • Cell Phones
  • iPod
  • iPhone
  • Kindle
F. Web2.0 Tools
G. Hardware
H. Tech Terms, Emoticons, and Tech Dictionaries
I. Free Music, Songs, and Videos
Copyright © 2007-2011 Han Liu, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Last updated May 25,  2009