The History of
Psychology online text:
Part 1: The Ancients
Part 2: The Rebirth
Part 3: The 1800s
Part 4: The 1900s
PDF versions of the text were created by Diana Wieser:
Part 1: The Ancients
Part 2: The Rebirth
Part 3: The 1800s
Part 4: The 1900s
They are also available in German, translated by Diana Wieser:
Part 1: The Ancients
Part 2: The Rebirth
Part 3: The 1800s
Part 4: The 1900s
In addition, this text is available as a book and as an audio
podcast, and in a translation to the artificial language, lfn:
History of Psychology - the book (available
from Amazon)
The Story of Psychology - Audio podcast,
narrated by Todd Daniel
La istoria de psicolojia - Un tradui a lfn
Note: Study guides and practice
quizzes are available. Click here!
Part One: The
and Eros - also available in Chinese, Macedonian
The Presocratics
- also available in Chinese
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
- also available in Chinese, Macedonian, Polish, Russian,
Spanish, Ukrainian, French, Filipino, Serbian, Mongolian
Logical Fallacies
Epicureans and Stoics
The Roman Empire - also
available in Bosnian, Finnish, Ukrainian, Serbian
The Middle Ages
- also available in Georgian
The Beginnings of Modern Philosophy
The Enlightenment
David Hume and Immanuel Kant
The 1800s
Early Medicine and
Charles Darwin and Evolution
The Romantic Philosophers
The Beginnings of Psychology
Wilhelm Wundt and William James
- also available in Ukrainian
Part Four: The 1900s
Sigmund Freud and Psychoanalysis
Gestalt Psychology - also
available in Bosnian, Czech, Finnish, Macedonian, Russian,
Phenomenological Existentialism
Modern Medicine and Physiology
The Cognitive Movement
In addition to the primary sources mentioned within the text
itself, I am indebted to several secondary sources as well:
Will and Ariel Durant - The
Story of Civilization.
B. R. Hergenhahn - An Introduction to the History of
Daniel N. Robinson - An
Intellectual History of Psychology.
The Encyclopedia Britannica (various editions).
Robert Audi (editor) - The Cambridge Dictionary of
William Sahakian - History of Philosophy.
Colin Mcevedy - Penguin Atlas of (Ancient/Medieval/Modern)
Kinder and Hildemann - Anchor Atlas of World History.
My own Personality Theories e-text.
All errors are, of course, mine.